Posted in Air, Autumn, Change, Critters, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Garden, Gifts, Gratitude, Heartfulness, Home, In these strange times, Life, Love, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Other than human, Photography, Quotes, Sky, Spirit, Walking & Wandering, Walktober, Wonder

You are here

Sunset gathering.

IT IS EASY to dismiss the magical world as just a fairy tale belonging to childhood or old tales, to maintain that what we need at this moment more than ever is hard science, that carbon reduction and loss of biodiversity are our most pressing concerns. And yes, there is important work to be done reducing our industrial imprint, restoring wetlands and wild places. But if we do not remove the rational blinkers from our consciousness, how can we respond to the deeper need of the moment and recognize that we are part of a fully animate world? If we are to become partners with the Earth, living our shared journey, we have to once again speak the same language, listen with our senses attuned not just to the physical world but also to its inner dimension. We cannot afford to continue to dismiss so much of our heritage—the thousands of years we were awake to an environment both seen and unseen.

~ Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, Emergence Magazine, excerpted from Where the Horses Sing

Joanna Macy writes that until we can grieve for our planet we cannot love it—grieving is a sign of spiritual health. But it is not enough to weep for our lost landscapes; we have to put our hands in the earth to make ourselves whole again. Even a wounded world is feeding us. Even a wounded world holds us, giving us moments of wonder and joy. I choose joy over despair.

~ Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass

Falling Leaves Moon.

Well, here we are.  At the beginning of Walktober.  I apologize for not getting this post up on Monday, as intended.  But here I am and here we are so this will be the official Walktober post where you leave your link/pingbacks.  Have fun, whatever you’re doing for the event, and I look forward to seeing your photos or reading all about your walk, run, drive, swim, whatever you are able to do.  (Note:  If you have already left your link/pingback on the previous post, no worries.  I’ll find it.)

Walktober reminder:  This year the dates will be October 8 through October 24.  That should give us all plenty of time to get our walks in.  The plan, at the moment, is to do the wrap-up of the walks on or near October 31.  If you need more time, let me know.  The rules are quite loose.  You can walk, run, drive, swim, bike, do whatever you need to do.  You don’t have to go anywhere.  A tour of your yard works just fine.  The idea is to get outside but if you need to be indoors, that’s fine, too.

It’s a good year for mushrooms.

The hike I hoped to do is not going to happen this year.  Rain and illness cancelled it.  Hopefully I’ll get there next year.  In the meantime, I will start sharing some walks from around here when I return from a visit with good friends.  And who knows?  Maybe we’ll go for a walk there, something I hadn’t planned, that I will want to share as my Walktober post.

Still blooming.

I will keep this short to make it easier to get to the walks.  Thank you so much for stopping by today, and a big thank you to those of you who are joining this year’s Walktober.

Please be safe, be well, and take a little time to just Be.

There have been fewer Monarchs this year.

A few of the 10,000 reasons to be happy:  3,001)  Monarch butterflies in the garden.  3,002)  A beautiful sunrise this morning just before the rains came.  3,003)  M, always.  3,004)  Recovering from what felt like the everlasting cold.  3,005)  Friends and family, always.

Morning light, hints of fall color.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

48 thoughts on “You are here

  1. Robin, thanks for letting us know where to link to! Monkey has been badgering me somewhat relentlessly because the little imp already has his walk done … and his post prepared! Nothing like being Johnny-on-the-spot, huh?!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m glad you’re feeling somewhat better! Enjoy your visit with your friends, I think that would be an awesome way to do your walk…bring them all along! I have done my walk and am now sorting through the (too) many images, deciding which will make the cut for this year’s Walktober!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Dawn. 🙂 It was very much a group walk. I have too many images, too. I think I took over 500! Yikes. And it’s so beautiful here at home now that I’m sure I’ll have another 500 before the end of the month.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Robin – I came for a visit as Barbara Rodgers linked to your blog. How have I never heard of “Walktober” and my blog is about walking? Hmm. I thought Barbara coined that word. Unfortunately I am always behind in posting about my walks – hopefully when I retire, (whenever that will be), I can post more timely. Now I only post twice a week and still can’t keep up in Reader. October is my favorite month of the year and here in Southeast Michigan we were certainly treated to some wonderful leaf colors … those leaf-peeping treks I will be posting about sooner, rather than later.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Linda! We’ve been doing Walktober for about nine years now, I think. I know exactly what you mean about keeping up. I have walks that never make it to my blog because there just isn’t time, and I have trouble keeping up with those I follow, too. Thank you so much for stopping by. I’ll be by soon to have a look at your walks. I always appreciate a good walk and a good blog about walking. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Robin – you make me feel better. 🙂

        Sometimes I am far behind, like right now and try to remind myself that almost all the bloggers I follow are retired and many of them are not blogging about walks, so their posts have maybe one or two pictures and are much shorter than mine. Of all the bloggers I follow, I have told Barbara Rodgers that our blogs are the most similar … lots of photos, explanations about our treks, only Barbara uses quotations. I am so glad I discovered this “Walktober” idea and I will incorporate it into my posts taken during this month. We had an exceptional leaf-peeping season here in Michigan and I made the most of it. Life does intrude on blogging, but once Winter settles in, there will be plenty of time to catch up. I am catching up here with comments this morning before I walk, though I am ahead on my miles (my goal is 1,256 miles or 2,022 kilometers, 2,022 being for the current year) and may stay in. I work from home, so that is a plus. Nice “meeting” you Robin.

        Liked by 3 people

Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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