Posted in A bit of history, Earth, Exploring, From the Archives, Gifts, Life, Nature, Photography, Portals & Pathways, Quotes, Spirit, Summer, Travel, Walking & Wandering, Water

3-Day Quote Challenge: There is no hurry

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. June 2012.
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. June 2012.

By the time it came to the edge of the Forest the stream had grown up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle as it used to do when it was younger, but moved more slowly.  For it knew now where it was going, and it said to itself, “There is no hurry.  We shall get there some day.”

~ Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Eliza invited me to participate in the 3-Day Quote Challenge, and we all know how much I love a good quote.  Thank you, Eliza.  🙂  It was fun.

The rules are simple:  Post an inspirational, uplifting quote for three consecutive days, and invite three other bloggers to join you.

I think most of my fellow bloggers have already participated in (or been invited to participate in) a quote challenge of some kind so I’m not sure who to invite.  If you haven’t participated and you’d like to, consider this your invitation.  Let me know if you’re going to play along so I can include a link to your blog in my next post.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂



Posted in A bit of history, Beach, Cee's Share Your World, Earth, Exploring, Fire, From the Archives, Gifts, Gratitude, Hiking, Home, Life, Nature, Photography, Portals & Pathways, Quotes, Spirit, Summer, Thursday Travels, Travel, Water, Weather, Wonder

Sharing with gratitude

Painting with fog
Painting with fog.  (Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.  June 2012.)

Sister, there are people who went to sleep all over the world last night, poor and rich and white and black, but they will never wake again.  Sister, those who expected to rise did not, their beds became their cooling boards, and their blankets became their winding sheets.  And those dead folks would give anything, anything at all for just five minutes of this weather or ten minutes of that plowing that person was grumbling about.  So you watch yourself about complaining, Sister.  What you’re supposed to do when you don’t like a thing is change it.  If you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.  Don’t complain.

~ Maya Angelou, Wouldn’t Take Nothing for My Journey Now


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Posted in Beach, Critters, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Fire, From the Archives, Gratitude, Hiking, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Portals & Pathways, Quotes, Spirit, Summer, Travel, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather

Watching, living, reading, being

Near Camus na Feòla (Meat Cove).  Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.  June 2012.
Near Meat Cove. Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. June 2012.

Take hold of your own life.
See that the whole existence is celebrating.
These trees are not serious, these birds are not serious.
The rivers and the oceans are wild,
and everywhere there is fun,
everywhere there is joy and delight.
Watch existence,
listen to the existence and become part of it.
― Osho

Continue reading “Watching, living, reading, being”

Posted in Beach, Cee's Share Your World, Earth, Fire, Nature, Photography, Spirit, Summer, Travel, Walking & Wandering, Water, Wonder

Cee’s Share Your World Week 28

Sunset. Cape Breton Highlands.  June 2012.
Sunset. Cape Breton Highlands, Nova Scotia. June 2012.

It is a pity that the words “spiritual life” were ever invented, for they have caused so much confusion.  For, in truth, there is only life — everyday life — which is simply what is at every moment.

~ Robert Powell

Continue reading “Cee’s Share Your World Week 28”

Posted in Air, Beach, Earth, Fire, Hiking, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Spring, Summer, Travel, Walking & Wandering, Water


Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia.  (8 June 2012)
Cape Breton Highlands National Park, Nova Scotia. (8 June 2012)

Ocean and sea shore contain all the elements of Nature in a primal form.  There is the sun and the element of fire.  There is the ocean or sea and the element of water.  There is the land with the element of earth and the ocean and sea breezes with the element of air.  Spending time in this environment brings our own bodily elements back into balance.

~ Ted Andrews, Nature-Speak

Continue reading “Elemental”