Posted in Air, Change, Climate Change, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Family, Fire, Gifts, Grandparenthood, Gratitude, Grief, Health & Well-Being, Heartfulness, Home, In these strange times, Life, Love, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Ohio, Photography, Quotes, Sky, Spirit, Spring, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather

Smoke in the air

A smoky sunrise.

We live our comfortable lives in the shadow of a disaster of our own making. That disaster is being brought about by the very things that allow us to live our comfortable lives.

~ David Attenborough

To hope is to accept despair as an emotion but not as an analysis. To recognize that what is unlikely is possible, just as what is likely is not inevitable. To understand that difficult is not the same as impossible.

~ Rebecca Solnit, Not Too Late (a book but there is also a website:  Not Too Late)

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Posted in Aging, Air, Autumn, Books, Change, Climate Change, Covid-19, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Fire, Garden, Gifts, Gratitude, Heartfulness, Home, In these strange times, Life, Listening, Maryland, Mindfulness, Movies, Nature, Other than human, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Spiritual practices, Walking & Wandering, Weather, Wonder, Woods, Yoga

A Monday meander: After the first frost

Still hanging in there.

He had many strange sights to keep him cheerful or to make him sad. I asked him had he ever seen the faeries, and got the reply, ‘Am I not annoyed with them?’ I asked too if he had ever seen the banshee. ‘I have seen it,’ he said, ‘down there by the water, batting the river with its hands.’

~ W. B. Yeats, The Celtic Twilight: Faerie and Folklore

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Posted in Change, Covid-19, Critters, Dreams, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Fire, Garden, Gifts, Gratitude, Heartfulness, Home, In these strange times, Life, Maryland, Meditation, Metta, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Poetry, Quotes, Spirit, Spiritual practices, Summer, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather, Writing

A Wednesday morning

This morning, in her glory.

I wake up, open my eyes, and a world appears. It is a familiar world – more so than usual in these days of semi-lockdown – but even more familiar is the experience of ‘self’ – of being me – that glides into consciousness at more-or-less the same time. This experience of selfhood is so mundane that its appearance goes by entirely unnoticed, unless actively paid attention to. We take our selves for granted, but we shouldn’t.

~ Anil Seth, Catching Sight of Yourself

Beauty kick-starts our attention. The real sublime. To behold it is almost scary because we suddenly have a longing to stand for something. Beauty not as generic but specific, troubling in what it may call forth in us.

~ Martin Shaw, How to Recapture Your Imagination

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Posted in Covid-19, Dreams, Earth, Fire, Gifts, Heartfulness, Hope, In these strange times, Love, Mindfulness, Photography, Spirit, Winter

Happy holidays

Wishing you the happiest of holidays possible given the circumstances this year.  Find the light in the darkness and allow it to grow.  Or, as the song goes, may your days be merry and bright.

For those that might want a little music with that:  Sunny Christmas.  It’s a cheerful song with wonderful lyrics.  Enjoy.

Posted in Beginnings, Change, Covid-19, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Gifts, Gratitude, Home, Life, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Spring, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather, Wonder


The redbuds are getting ready to burst into bloom.

…Withdrawing. If you do this, a lot of people will call you a ‘defeatist’ or a ‘doomer’, or claim you are ‘burned out’. They will tell you that you have an obligation to work for climate justice or world peace or the end of bad things everywhere, and that ‘fighting’ is always better than ‘quitting’. Ignore them, and take part in a very ancient practical and spiritual tradition: withdrawing from the fray. Withdraw not with cynicism, but with a questing mind. Withdraw so that you can allow yourself to sit back quietly and feel – intuit – work out what is right for you, and what nature might need from you. Withdraw because refusing to help the machine advance – refusing to tighten the ratchet further – is a deeply moral position. Withdraw because action is not always more effective than inaction. Withdraw to examine your worldview: the cosmology, the paradigm, the assumptions, the direction of travel. All real change starts with withdrawal.

~ Paul Kingsnorth, Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist and Other Essays

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