Posted in Critters, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Family, Fire, Gifts, Goals, Grandparenthood, Gratitude, Life, Love, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Ohio, Photography, Play, Playful, Quotes, Spirit, Winter

Move to Trash


In my soul, I am still that small child who did not care about anything else but the beautiful colors of a rainbow.

~ Papiha Ghosh

Childhood.  (Hey!  That's me.  Way back in 1967.)
Childhood. (Hey! That’s me. Way back in 1967.)

I have been trying to write a post on revisiting my word for the year.  This is my third or fourth attempt.  I’m not sure which because I write it up, read it over, and use the “Move to Trash” option that WordPress so handily provides.

Childhood.  (Christmas Joy.  2013.)
Childhood. (Christmas Joy. 2013.)

In case you’ve forgotten (and sometimes *I* forget), my word is Playful.  It’s a good word.  It’s a word with a lot of fun potential.  I’m just not sure it’s a good word for me.

Seriously playful dancing.
Seriously playful dancing in the driveway.

I had high hopes for Playful.  I also had my own ideas about what Playful means.  To me, playful is spontaneous, exuberant, full of energy.  When I think of playful, I think of children and how they exhibit those qualities even in their seriousness.

Vertical tightrope walking.  Not everyone has the skill or talent for this sort of thing.
Vertical tightrope walking. Not everyone has the skill or talent for this sort of thing.

A couple of weeks ago, while pondering Playful, I read Dana’s post, The Year of Trust.  If you haven’t read it, go ahead.  I’ll wait.

Come on!  Let's play!
Come on! Let’s play!

You might say I put too much pressure on Playful.  Well, you might not, but I would.  I was asking Playful to turn me into something I’m not.  Don’t get me wrong.  I am capable of being playful.  I have been known to be spontaneous, exuberant, and full of energy, although not always in the outward (extroverted) way that I had in mind when I thought Playful had chosen me when it comes to a word for the year.

Reading Dana’s post, I kept nodding along, and felt a sense of relief because, yes, this was it.  This was how I was feeling about Playful.  Even better, I realized is was OK to feel that way.  There is no failure here.  Instead, it was a lesson learned in attachment, and trying to grasp and hold light and air and spirit in my hands.


In the Osho Zen Tarot there is a card named Playfulness.  In the book Tarot in the Spirit of Zen, for this card it is written:

There cannot be a map to the land of playfulness.  All maps lead to seriousness…  There is no way to playfulness, because playfulness is not a goal and cannot be a goal.  When you forget about goals, when you are not going anywhere, when the very idea of going is dropped, then here-now playfulness starts growing in you, happening in you.

Playfulness is not then and there; it is here, now.  So how can there be a road map?  You are not to go anywhere, you are just to be.

~ Osho

Osho goes on to describe seriousness as goal-oriented, and “when a serious person starts playing, he even transforms the quality of the play — it becomes a game; it is no longer play.”

Childhood.  (Waking Up.  From 2007.)
Childhood. (Waking Up. From 2007.)

Funny how the card has come up for me a couple of times since I decided on Playful as my word for the year.  I shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, and there it is again.  A message that it is time to let go of Playful as a goal, and even as my word for the year.  There is a better goal, a better word, but I’m going to hold that one close for a while.  It’s been with me since I picked Playful, and it’s a word that has invited me to play without trying to capture it.

Waking up.  (Yesterday in the garden.)
Waking up. (Yesterday in the garden.)

In the meantime, I’m not going to pick up my toys and go home.  On the contrary, I’m going to play whenever and wherever play grabs me.  I have invited Playful in, and once you issue an invitation of that type, there is no point in rescinding it (and who would want to??) because Playful is too hard to resist.  Yesterday I was out splashing in puddles.  Today there is more snow on the way, and you can bet I’ll be out there playing in it.  It’s time to build another snowman or a snow fort or some other great snow structure before spring finally arrives and drives away the snow.

Twas foggy yesterday.  Warm air met cold snow and ice, and created clouds that lifted into the sky.
Twas foggy yesterday. Warm air met cold snow and ice, and created clouds that lifted into the sky.

I think I’m going to lose my internet connection soon (the satellite doesn’t work well when it’s snowing) so I’d better finish this post and get it scheduled.  Thank you so much for visiting today, and joining me on another exploration.  I hope all is well with you, and I also hope to get caught up with you soon.  One of the problems with having had surgery (besides having to have surgery) is that I’ve been in slow motion, or not moving at all, for a few weeks.  Now that I’m moving at a regular pace again, I’m playing catch-up on all levels.  It’s a good thing we’re having another snow day.  It gives me an excuse to put aside playing catch-up so I can just play.

Misty woods.
Misty woods.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

March 2015C 013ab
At the back of the lagoon where mystery waits.

Today’s joys:  A chance to play; hot, flowering tea; exploring within and without; a good morning workout; words of wisdom.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

26 thoughts on “Move to Trash

  1. for me, when i read your words, i still think at you–what IS playful, what IS play, if i sit when i write and I stop to think and i notice my head laughing and telling me a little ditty and then I notice shiny raindrops clinging to the tree outside, that is play, creation, life, experience.

    Sometimes, if I decide, that play means a certain atmosphere, or taste, I must build a sandbox, if I want to play in the sand but have neither, that part then, can be work and not play.


    1. I asked those same questions, Elisa. I think there are a world of answers to what IS play and playful, and that those answers can’t really be pinned down the way I thought I could pin them down. Better to just play rather than try to define it. And hey! I have a sandbox that we built just for fun and play. 🙂


  2. I’ve no time for playing today….sigh. But that’s okay. Getting a lot of needed work done, which is a good feeling. And I loved the playful pictures and the playful Robin. 🙂


    1. Thank you, CM. There’s a time for play and a time for work, and I know that a job well done can leave me feeling just as good as play time. Even so, I hope you find time for play soon. 🙂


      1. 😀 Truth Robin, so much truth here. I found some time for play after that. I have been a bit busy. No time for writing or creating it seems. Which makes me sad. But then…it makes me feel good, like you say, to get things done that need done.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I adore the first shot of your granddaughter? taking a photo of the tulips – perfect! Are your goldfinches molting already? That is my other favorite shot.
    I think it is awesome that your thoughts have followed your heart and released a word that didn’t fit for you. That is courage and wisdom at work. I love that. It was just a word that came to visit, offered what you needed and that is enough.
    Have a nice quiet day and enjoy your rest. 🙂


    1. Thank you, Eliza. 🙂 That’s one of my favorite shots of all time. I love the way the tulips are leaning in towards her. And yes, that’s my oldest granddaughter, about seven years ago. The goldfinches turned yellow a few weeks ago. That was one of the reasons I thought we’d have an early spring. With this latest batch of ice and snow, I wasn’t too sure anymore, but then I looked at photos from last year and the year before. We were still getting snow as late as March 25 so an early spring is still possible.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I think Osho is very right. Playful is spontaneous, so you just have to leave space for it by being as much as doing. Love your pictures again. I thought of you yesterday when I saw a dove on a tree branch in the falling snow.


    1. Thank you, Arlingwoman. 🙂 I like the way you put that: to leave space for it by being as much as doing.

      I can never catch the doves here. They are such shy creatures and by the time I see them, they’re flying off. I do hear them, though, and have learned to be satisfied with that.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I love that picture of the little junco! They are so cute, and very playful! We have one that “plays” with our cat, hopping around in the snow just outside the sliding glass doors, inches away from Zoë’s nose.

    I appreciate how deeply you shared your struggle with the word you selected. You end your posts with “Just Be.” In 2013 I chose the word “patience” and by the end of March a nine-month ordeal began, which sorely tried my patience. It was as if choosing the word jinxed me somehow. Since then I’ve been content to not have a word, but to just be.

    Loved the Osho quote – I seem to do better when I don’t have a goal (or an agenda) or a road map, when I am just being here-now.


  6. Hi. My word was ‘observant’ but so far I don’t think I’ve seen as much this year, or understood as much, as in other years. I just have to try harder! Jane


  7. I like what Osho says about playfulness. No, I don’t think it can be a goal, can it? That makes it suddenly not playful. Hope you’re recovering well from your surgery. 🙂


  8. Playfulness is something you CAN’T BUY, if I could I’d buy some kilos. I used to be a woman with plenty of playfulness, but since my only daughter pass away four years ago, usually I’m rather in the dumps. Reading your post has been good for me, I’ve realized I’m not alone in the world with probles perhaps alike mine.


Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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