Posted in Air, Change, Climate Change, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Garden, Gifts, Gratitude, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Sky, Spirit, Summer, Walking & Wandering, Walktober, Weather

A Friday walk around the ranch

I don’t know how this photo happened. It’s as if the clouds went swooping by, in a hurry to be somewhere.  It created a double exposure look without any editing on my part.

Sometimes I think there are only two instructions we need to follow to develop and deepen our spiritual life: slow down and let go.

~ Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Change in the meadow at the edge of the future woods.

It’s been a while since we’ve taken a walk around the Wabi-Sabi Ranch.  A cold front moved through last night and swept out the near 100°F temperatures.  It’s cloudy, very breezy, and much cooler.  Perfect for a hike around the property to see what’s going on before the next wave of heat moves in.  The mosquitoes are still a problem, though, since Dorian moved through.  I don’t like having to wear insect repellent, but I think it’s going to become, if it isn’t already, a necessity.  Mosquito- and other insect-borne diseases are, they say, on the rise.

A harbinger of things to come.

We are starting to see more autumnal changes.  More leaves on the trees are starting to change color.  Some are even letting go and falling to the ground.  Goldenrod is blooming, the partridge peas are finished blooming and have gone to seed (pods), and most plants in general are beginning to look like they are either finished or almost finished for the season.  Except for the weeds.  Some of them seem to have no season.  They carry on year-round.

At the edge of the thicket.

I have not seen our deer family lately.  Perhaps they’re out in the cornfields, filling up on feed corn.  Or they are feasting on the partridge peas and other plants in the meadows and future woods.  The last time I saw them, there were only three.  One of the twins was missing.  It’s possible it was exploring elsewhere.  I hope so.

From green to red.

Since we’re out and about on a walk, this would be a good time to tell you about the Walktober dates for this year.  They are:  October 6th through October 19th.  If you need to take your walk sooner or later, that won’t be a problem.  Just let me know.

The goldenrod is taking off now.

If you’re new to this and not sure what Walktober is, there is a link over in the sidebar to help you out.  Just click on the photo labeled Walktober and that will take you to the “in a nutshell” explanation.  I will try to post the official Walktober post, the one that you should link to for pingbacks (or you can leave a link in the comments), on or around October 6th.  You don’t need to remember all of that now.  I’ll be reminding you from time to time at the bottom of my posts.

Lights at the edge of the future woods.

Do you have any plans for the weekend?  I think M and I are going to be hanging out here, trying to get things in order for a party we might be hosting next week.  I haven’t been given the official go-ahead yet.  Hopefully M will let me know soon.  It’s something we’ve been hosting every year, to welcome new students and to gather with some of M’s colleagues and their families.

Wind in the grasses.

I have more photos, but honestly, not much else to say so I’ll go ahead and wrap this up.  Thank you so much for visiting and walking with me today.  If it clears up, or looks like it will clear up, I’ll meet you out at the Point for sunset.  It’s scheduled for 7:16 PM.  Shortly after that, we should be able to watch the full moon rise (7:25 PM).  It should be nice out there, provided the breeze doesn’t give up on us.

Be good, be kind, be love.  ♥

When the grass goes to seed like this, it always reminds me of fireworks.

A few of the 10,000 reasons to be happy:  1,156)  Cool, cloudy, breezy days after a string of hot weather.  1,157)  A visit with my mockingbird friend this morning.  He still comes around when I whistle the first few notes of “Ode to Joy.”  1,158)  Afternoon naps.  1,159)  Sitting on the bench by the pond, watching whatever unfolds.  1,160)  An interesting meditation about time and space.

In the garden of weeds.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

17 thoughts on “A Friday walk around the ranch

  1. Your photos are colorful and lovely, a beautiful slice of nature. We have deer families around here and I get a sad feeling in the pit of my stomach when I notice one of the twins is missing. I hope, like you, that it is off feeding nearby…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Beautiful photos, as always. Can’t believe October is only 2 weeks away! Time just keeps going faster and faster.
    It is kind of sad when a deer goes back to the earth, but nothing is wasted in nature. I think a fawn here may have been dinner for the coyote family that lives on the ridge. They have really loud parties. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. lol! Yes, the coyotes do like to let it be known when they’re out at night. The missing twin is missing no more. She showed up with the rest of the family yesterday. 🙂
      Thank you, Eliza.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’ll be ready for walking in October. I’ve gone back inside after venturing out last week. I was bitten by some sort of bite-y creature, for the first time in years. Summer! shakes fist at the sky

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I will join you in the fist shaking. It’s hot here again(!!!!) and the biting insects are awful. I have several bites that have been driving me crazy. I’ll be glad when we get a good freeze.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you for all the beauty you share with us. I hardly know what to say because your photos leave me speechless! But what are the yellow cupped blooms at the edge of the future woods (sounds like a line from poetry -I might just use it!)
    I shall be walking in October – limping a bit too as have a foot problem but the camera won’t mind!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So excited for Walktober! I even had a reader ask me if there would be one this year. I have no idea where I will walk, but I’ve been thinking about it. Hard to think of somewhere I haven’t already done!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gorgeous photos! I think I’m the one who asked Dawn when Walktober is this year, so thanks for letting me know. Yes, I’ll be participating (though right now, I have no clue where I’ll take everybody!) It’s a wonderful idea and lots of fun seeing all the interesting places.

    Liked by 2 people

Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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