Posted in Books, Change, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Fire, Garden, Gifts, Home, Life, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Walking & Wandering, Weather, WeekendCoffeeShare, Winter

If we were having coffee: Gentle days edition

Morning sparkle.
Morning sparkle.

People think kindness is a soft, weak, submissive influence when in reality is it the most potent, persuasive force in existence.

~ Richelle E. Goodrich

It is wonderful how attractive a gentle, pleasant manner is, and how much it wins hearts.

~ Francis de Sales

Golden glow.
Golden glow.

If we were having coffee, I would be elated to see you again.  Hugs if you’re amenable to hugs.  A respectful nod or handshake if you’re not.  Come on in!  Let’s go to the kitchen, grab some drinks and something to nosh on, and have a seat out on the back porch (the three-season room).  Did you notice it was beginning to green up around here?  That the trees are budding?  The back porch will be a good place to appreciate all of that and more.

How are you?  What you have been doing lately?  Have you traveled anywhere or seen any new sights?  Discovered any nearby hidden gems to visit?  Have you taken any good walks or hikes?  Were you surprised by anything this week?  Have you watched any movies that made you cry or laugh?  Read any books that prompted a strong reaction?  Have a seat and let’s chat.

A soft arc.
A soft arc.

If we were having coffee, tea, or some other beverage, I would tell you that I am currently reading Dark Places by Gillian Flynn.  It’s one of those fast reads and I should be finished with it soon.  There’s mystery to it, a whodunnit kind of thing.  Having read Gone Girl last year, I find myself wondering how Gillian Flynn invents her characters, the damaged and the damaging.  It’s interesting where a writer’s mind goes.  I wonder, sometimes, if worlds and characters are invented in our dreamscapes.  I wonder this because I have had some odd dreams lately, dreams that were long and involved and I wake up thinking, “I’d read that story if someone wrote a book about it.”

Flying away at sunrise.
Flying away at sunrise.  (I know it’s a blurry image, but there is something about it I like.  The motion, perhaps, of birds and clouds and light.)

M and I have watched a few movies since your last visit, but the only one that comes to mind at the moment is The Theory of Everything about Stephen Hawking.  I didn’t realize he had been diagnosed with ALS so early in life.  I also didn’t know much about his personal life.  I read A Brief History of Time shortly after it came out in 1998, and I’ve seen a few interviews with Stephen Hawking over the years, but obviously not enough to tell me about his personal life.  At any rate, I did enjoy the movie, finding it informative (maybe — you never know how much “dramatic license” has been allowed) and entertaining.

Two near the pond.
Two near the pond.

If we were having coffee, I would tell you that this week has been a gentle week in terms of weather and life.  There’s been nothing pressing or urgent.  No weather extremes although it has been unseasonably warm, or so they say.  I’m not sure anyone really knows anymore what “seasonably” means when it comes to temperatures given how the climate is changing.  Oh, I know about historical records and averages and what we typically should experience, and within our not-too-distant past there were swings (such as the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age that followed).  Still, we do seem to be warming up quickly as a whole so “seasonable” and “normal” may have to be reconsidered.

One of two.
One of two floating gently in the morning light.

Our mornings this week, in particular, have been soft and mild.  I was going to add “and peaceful,” but that isn’t exactly true.  The birds have been singing and chattering like it’s already spring.  The spring peepers have been making quite a racket, too.  All kinds of small flowers are blossoming, the tulips, irises, and daylilies have shot up some leaves, and the daffodils should be blooming although I think our last cold snap might have put the kibosh on that.  I discovered two of the lupines I planted last year in the scrounger’s garden have survived the winter.  Just a few leaves waving an inch or two above the soil line let me know they are there and growing.  I accidentally pulled one out of the ground while clearing out weeds and the dead plants from last year.  I do hope it recovers from the yanking and replanting.

The new spring look.  This was taken with my new phone and I couldn’t get the colors to come out quite right.  My blondes are not that yellow and the blues are much more vibrant (a shade called Mermaid Blue that is turquoise).

If we were having coffee, tea, or something else to drink, I would tell you that I had some new colors put in my hair this week.  Andrea, the artist who colors my hair, was excited about trying out some new colors they had received, and I’m always game for something new.  As you can see in the above photo, I have a rainbow of colors in my hair now.

March 2016C 061a
A regular visitor.

If we were having coffee or some other beverage, I would tell you that I got a small start on my spring cleaning yesterday.  Mostly gathering up blankets and other things that can be washed, dried, and put away.  Lately it has been too warm at night for the winter bedding, and a look at the long-range forecast shows it will likely continue that way until next autumn or winter.  It feels good to start airing out the house, and I know it will be lovely to have all the nooks and crannies in the house cleaned by the time spring officially arrives.

Yesterday's sunset.
Yesterday’s sunset.

Once the spring cleaning is completed, it will be time to get back to the renovations.  JT, our amazing construction guy who built the addition that includes the back porch where we’re sitting, will be back on the ranch on Monday morning.  Knowing him, it will be very early on Monday morning.  He will be installing the new ceiling on the front porch.  We decided it should match the ceiling on the back porch, and JT has done such wonderful work that we hired him to do this small job for us.  If you’ve been following me for a while, you might remember that JT is someone who does his work with great joy, always smiling and singing and generally looking like he’s having a great time.  It will be good to see him again.

Turning turquoise.
Turning turquoise.

If we were having coffee, tea, or something else, I would tell you that I went down to the Point for sunset yesterday, and was rewarded with a glorious evening show of oranges, yellows and a line of turquoise blue on the water near the horizon that eventually stretched forward towards us covering the surface of the water.  We don’t often see that shade of turquoise.  I think it’s very tropical looking, something I’m more likely to see in Florida than in Maryland.  It must be related to the angle of the sun this time of year.  Or maybe it’s the atmospheric conditions.  I have no idea.  I don’t really mind not knowing, either.  It’s enough to enjoy it.  I’ll leave the answers to others.

Ducks on the water. They made the coolest sound as they flew landed on the water, a pitter-patter of many duck feet splashing down.
Ducks on the water. They made the coolest sound as they landed on the water, a pitter-patter of many duck feet splashing down.

If we were having coffee, I would suggest that it is time I turn the conversation over to you.  I’ve nattered on enough for one visit, and to be honest, I don’t have much on my mind today because it has been such a quiet and gentle week.  No drama to share or deep thoughts to gnaw on.


Thank you so much for joining me for another coffee chat.  Your visits mean a lot to me.  If you have time, let’s go out for a walk.  It’s cloudy today, but relatively mild in terms of temperature.  It is not likely we’ll see a sunset, but you never know.  Hang around if you like and we’ll go out to the dock later if it looks like it’s worth the walk out there.  Well, it’s always worth the walk, but I mean in terms of seeing the sunset.  Sunset is scheduled for 6:07 PM.  It will be an hour later tomorrow since many of us are springing forward (setting our clocks ahead) tonight.  I’m not a fan of springing forward.  It always leaves me feeling tired for about a week or two after the switch.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

Last night's crescent moon.
Last night’s crescent moon.

This post is in response to Part Time Monster’s #WeekendCoffeeShare.  Thank you to Diana for hosting it.  Put the kettle on, start the coffee maker, open a bottle of wine, or whatever your preference is, and join us.  I’d love to hear all about what you were up to this week.



Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

39 thoughts on “If we were having coffee: Gentle days edition

  1. The angle of the moon seemed different to me last night. I think of it as tipsy and laughing. 🙂
    The sunset photos did look tropical. Your hair is so much fun. I bet it makes you smile when you look in the mirror!
    We saw The Theory of Everything when it first came out. I don’t know how accurate it is either, but it was interesting.

    I’m sure characters and stories often come in dreams. I was dreaming poems last night–unfortunately I only remembered one.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend and week!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Merril. 🙂 I like your description of the moon. It suits it well. 😀 The colors in my hair do make me smile. It took me a long time to work up the nerve to try vibrant colors, and now I wonder why I didn’t just do it years ago after I had to quit working outside of the home. (I couldn’t have done it while I was still working for the Evil Empire since they have rules about such things.)

      That’s the problem with things that comes to us in dreams. We can’t remember them! Sometimes I remember parts of the elaborate stories I dream, but the best parts disappear in the ether of wakefulness.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I didn’t know you worked for the Evil Empire. I’m glad you escaped and found your true colors. 🙂 Yes, dreams are so strange. It’s weird we have them. One of my cats woke me one night because he was having some kind of kitty cat dream, and I wondered what it was about.


  2. I love your hair. And I saw that moon last night too. So pretty. It was hanging over the backyard where the deer were sleeping. I am hoping to go see Zootopia soon. Two people have said it was great. I read “Humans of New York” this week…was a WONDERFUL book. Full of portraits the author took of people on the street and short quotes from interviews with them. Check it out of the library. I think you’d love it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Dawn, for the compliment on my hair and the recommendations on books and movies. 🙂 I have heard good things about Zootopia, too. A friend of mine on Facebook used to post some of the interviews and photos from “Humans of New York.” I’ll look for it. It sounds interesting, and I’m always looking for a book described as WONDERFUL. 🙂


  3. Beautiful photos, as always, Robin. Wow, what a sunset!!! And your hair is great! Loved the heron and goose. The goose shot was sort of mystical, while the sunset shots were glorious. I have been meaning to see The Theory of Everything.
    Loved the grasses and the smiling moon. 🙂
    See you next time.
    Jittery from all that great coffee,

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Mary. 🙂 Sorry about the coffee jitters. Coffee does that to me, too. I usually reserve my coffee drinking for right before I do a good cardio or strength workout. Or a long walk or hike. That way I can work off the jitters.

      I was wow’d by that sunset, too. Our winter sunsets are usually pretty colorful. This winter was different. Perhaps it was the milder weather. There were a few eagles out there yesterday evening, too, but I didn’t bother to try to photograph them. It was enough just to listen to them sing and whistle.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love the hair! It seems to be a new thing, sort of the effect of a skein of multicolored or hand-overdyed yarn, and I think it’s wonderful. After Umberto Eco’s recent death, I just finished re-reading “The Name of the Rose,” and was as gobsmacked by it as I was when I first read it in my impressionable teen years.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, David. 🙂 You’ve just brought back memories for me, of the multicolored yarns that I loved when I was girl and my mother was teaching me to crochet. I never did learn to hold the yarn and needle the way she was instructing, but I did learn to crochet. I’m goofy-handed, as my mother said, but it works.

      I hadn’t heard about Umberto Eco’s death. I read “The Name of the Rose” what seems like many years ago, and I understand your reaction. I’d like to reread it now that you’ve mentioned it. I’m sure that was one of the books I kept when we moved and I donated the bulk of my books to a local library. I’ll have to see if I can find it.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Betty. 🙂 Yes, they sure have come a long way. I think my first visit to a beauty salon (we called it a beauty parlor) involved a beehive hairdo.


  5. Gorgeous sunset shots – the reflections on the water esp. lovely. Glad it is finally spring, I’m ready for the change. I worked outside raking for a few hours yesterday in the nice weather (a little sore today!) and have hung a couple loads of laundry outside already – so fresh-smelling!
    Reading ‘Year of Yes’ by Sondra Rhimes and am enjoying it. My son from CA has been visiting since Wed. – so nice to see him and meet his girlfriend. They leave tomorrow for a few days, but will be back by the end of the week before flying out for good after the weekend. We don’t get to see him often enough. You must feel the same with your family.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Eliza. 🙂 I’ve been working outside, too. I have to get as much in as I can before the weather turns hot and the biting insects start to swarm. Our grass already needs to be mowed, but I’m putting that off for as long as I can. Once started, the mowing season will seem to stretch on forever.

      Yes, I do feel the same with my family (wanting to see them more often). I’m happy to hear you’re having some joyful time with your son and his girlfriend. 🙂


      1. I know that race to get as much done before the bugs and heat start. The frost is already leaving the ground here (at least a month early) and we’re finding ticks on ourselves and the dog (grrr). “It’s always something!”


  6. My blue has washed out. I want more. I actually want multiple colors, like yours. It’s harder on my hair because it’s so dark so I have to bleach it. But I think that some time in the next month or so I will get at least two colors in my hair, maybe three!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Good for you, Corina! I think blue and magenta look so lovely on people with dark hair. I had to have my hair bleached to get the reds out. Usually that doesn’t need to be done because purple has red in it. The blue, however, needed cooler blonde tones.


  7. So much beautiful color here – your sunsets and your hair! Fun!! I’m grateful that DST is on a Sunday! In fact, even though I’ve been quite aware that it was happening this weekend all week, I was surprised this morning when I got up and looked at the microwave in the kitchen, one of the few appliances that doesn’t change itself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karma. 🙂 I know what you mean. We have a number of clocks that have to be changed, and I was confused and surprised when I came in this morning and the clock in the mud room was off an hour. I thought maybe I’d somehow erased time while I was outside. lol!


  8. Hi
    a polite nod and a tip of the hat thank you for the invite I took the liberty of accepting…..
    OMG I am now a big Fan of Gillian Flynn…. I watched the movie Gone Girl and thought hey if that movie was a movie was a book I would read it, and just as the credits came on saw that it was based on the book Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn…. saw I tracked it down and read it, then figured hey let me read all available Gillian Flynn Books… Gone Girl, Dark places and Sharp Objects… I have to agree with you that her mind is a deeply disturbing place and ever since I read her books whenever life is throwing lemons at me, I cant help but smile and say to myself at-least I am not a character in a Gillian Flynn book, and if you havent try and read Paula Hawkins Girl On The Train, its a somewhat similar tortured read hahahaha if you into that.

    Love the hair by the way, how can you be anything but not happywhen you have a rainbow on your head….♥♥♥♥
    Ps Just B

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well hello, B! Welcome! So glad you could join me for coffee. 🙂 I think I’m hooked on Gillian Flynn’s books now, too. I have Girl On The Train on my reading list. I’ll bump it up since it appears I am into tortured reads. lol!

      Thank you. The rainbow does provoke smiles every now and then.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I enjoyed all the colors in your post this week, both the sunsets and your hair! The woman who cuts my hair has the most beautiful black hair with dark blue streaks. It’s very dramatic and perfect on her. I’ve not seen “The Theory of Everything” yet but heard it was quite good. We re-watched an excellent film last night called “The Imitation Game” about Alan Turning, the man who built a machine to break the Germans codes during WWII. Benidict Cumberbatch starred and was amazingly good. If you haven’t yet seen it, I highly recommend. Thanks for the coffee and conversation and for sharing your beautiful photos. Enjoy your week!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Robin, I reckon you and I could go on some fabulous photographic journeys together. In my coffee share, I shared some photos I took last week. Thick fog enveloped our town and covered the beach. WE don’t get fog like that here and so being quite a novelty and not sure what sort of shots I’d get, I headed down with my camera and was really stoked with the results with the early morning sun shining through the fog and walkers turned into spooky, dark silhouettes, I posted a few individual photos as well as overview which you might enjoy. They’re quite different to the usual bright sunny beach shots you see of Australia.
    I loved your photos as usual.
    I haven’t see the Theory of Everything yet but intend to. My friend has ALS and it’s very dear to my heart. Her symptoms started out not unlike my own but I have effective treatment and she does not. It;s a dreadful disease.
    Hope you have a great week!
    xx Rowena


  11. So much color, in that gorgeous sunset and your variegated rainbow hair! Your weather sounds much like ours. We’ve had a few rainy days, but it looks like the sun just might peek out today, although it’s questionable. I loved The Theory of Everything; I didn’t know anything about Hawking’s personal life until I saw that movie. We went to Philadelphia on the first weekend in March. I was surprised to like it so much. Can you believe I’d never been there before despite having lived less than 3 hours away for the last 27 years? I’m heading to Dallas, Oklahoma City and then Early, TX for two weeks, leaving Sunday. I can’t wait. Happy spring, Robin!


Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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