Posted in Air, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Fire, Gifts, Gratitude, Health & Well-Being, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Sky, Spirit, The Body Beautiful, Walking & Wandering, Weather, Winter, Wonder


Sometimes the clouds have wings.
Sometimes the clouds have wings.

We already have everything we need.  There is no need for self-improvement.  All these trips that we lay on ourselves — the heavy-duty fearing that we’re bad and hoping that we’re good, the identities that we so dearly cling to, the rage, the jealousy and the addictions of all kinds — never touch our basic wealth.  They are like clouds that temporarily block the sun.  But all the time our warmth and brilliance are right here.  This is who we really are.  We are one blink of an eye away from being fully awake.

~ Pema Chödrön

Mood lighting.
Mood lighting.

Oh my, it’s growing cold outside again.  It wasn’t too bad early this morning, but by early afternoon the wind picked up and the temperature dropped.  They say we’ll be flirting with the single digits for a low tonight.  I don’t feel too sorry for those of us on the Eastern Shore.  Back in the Bogs (northeast Ohio), where I used to live, the high today is near the single digits, and it’s going to stay pretty cold there for a while.  At least we’ll be back in the 50’s by the weekend.

Ice bird.
Ice bird.

I didn’t get out for my morning walk.  I had an early morning appointment to get my hair cut (and to get the purple streaks refreshed).  That was followed by a visit to the doctor’s office for a post-op exam and to get the results of the biopsies.

Just this.
Just this.

There is good news and there is good news.


The good news is that I’m healing well, although I might be healing faster if I’d been taking it as easy as I should have been.  I was under the misunderstanding that I should go back to my normal routine as soon as possible, and as a result of my wrong thinking, I pushed and rushed slightly.  No harm, no foul.  Just a small delay.  To make sure it doesn’t become more than a small delay, I’ll be joyfully practicing my slackmongering skills for the next few days.  My feet are up, and when I finish here, I think I’ll take a nap.  Because I feel like it, and I have permission from myself to do so.

A nest of ice.
A nest of ice.

The other good news is that I do not have cancer.  I knew that.  I just had to prove it to everyone else.  The doc removed some benign polyps that were likely the cause of the problem I was having, and hopefully I won’t need to see her again until I’m due for the yearly check-up.  Not that I mind seeing her.  I like Dr. N.  But I’d rather be seeing her for well visits.


A couple of days ago I showed you some images from the Point on a blustery day.  (You can find them here if you missed them.)  I went back the next day because the sky was promising a pretty sunset.  The blustery winds and the cold temperatures of the night before caused the sea spray to freeze on the beach grasses.  I know you folks who are experiencing real winter probably don’t care to see icy images, but I thought it was pretty cool (and not in just a literal way) and maybe you will, too.

Icy finger.
Winter sculpts with sea spray.

The water was much calmer, with a beautiful turquoise sheen to it that I was unable to pick up well with the camera.

The calm after the storm.
The calm after the storm.

It’s a transformative experience to simply pause instead of immediately fill up the space.  By waiting, we begin to connect with fundamental restlessness as well as fundamental spaciousness.

~ Pema Chödrön

Similar perspective on the previous day.
Similar perspective of the water on the previous day.

I’m going to take that nap now.  A quick power nap should do the trick.  Thanks for dropping by.  I’m not sure if I’ll go out to the dock for sunset or not.  You’re welcome to go, and you can tell me all about it when you come back to warm up.  It’s windy as all get-out so make sure you dress in lots of layers.  Otherwise, the cold will get in.


Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

A moment in time.
A moment in time.

Today’s joys:  Good news and good news; vibrant purple streaks in my hair; lunch with M at a restaurant that serves delicious comfort foods; the songs of the wind; feeling warm and snug in the house while the wind sings and the cold air returns.

Warmth to balance the cold.
Warmth to balance the cold.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

31 thoughts on “Tidbits

  1. There is a reason for everything that happens in our lives – perhaps the health event was to accept that you have permission to slow down and be gentle with your time. Now you just need to keep practising it even when there is no health reason to take it easy…… It’s a bit wintery here today. February is usually our hottest month and this year, after an unusually super-hot January, February cannot make up her mind what she wants to be, so she is throwing us a bit of everything. I don’t mind cooler days, but a 20+ degree drop in 48 hours is a bit much to cope with! My plans for April are in flux – how far are you from Radford Va?


    1. Perhaps, Pauline. Whatever the case, I’m not quite as impatient with slowing down as I was a week ago. Still, there is a part of me that wants to rev up and get in a good exercise workout. My body isn’t used to all this inactivity.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m so happy about all of your good news! Even when we know deep inside what is going on, it’s great to get the official confirmation. Very good news indeed!


  3. Oh I am so glad for you! I figured the leg thing might have you doing too much 😛 Isn’t it so weird when we are to sit or to lie down we get restless and trapped feeling(I do anyway) but any other time we can (or I can) feel so guilty to just lie there and be.


  4. Love your good news and good news and your frozen sea spray. I think I’ll stay in tonight – we have strong winds that have a bit of a bite to them so I think I’ll get into my warm robe early this evening.


  5. Can you catch a nap today for me too? I am SOOOOO glad that there was only good news and good news. Thanks for letting us know. Now….tell me again about the purple hair? I must have missed that.


    1. I caught a couple of naps for you, Dawn. I’m not sure it works like that, but I hope they made you feel well rested. 😉 As for the purple hair, just before Christmas I asked the woman who cuts my hair to color it. I had grown weary of the gray after more than a year of not coloring it. I decided, while I was at it, to do something I’ve always wanted to do which is to get some purple streaks. Andrea (my hair guru) did a wonderful job, discreetly placing the streaks so that they peek through my hair. I loved it so much I had her do it again. 😀


  6. There’s something about the second photo that draws me in enough that I can’t shake it. Must be the layers and contrasts. More importantly, cheers to your healing and good-news results.


  7. So glad for your double good news! Not to mention your beautiful photos. I think sometimes it’s good to learn how to stop. Sometimes something just has to drop off the to do list to facilitate rest or simple pleasure. Nap on!


  8. Yay for good news!! Enjoying your slackermongering time, lol. The ice sprays are really neat. Even though I’m one of those folks you mentioned currently buried by “real winter” (with more on the way this weekend) I do enjoy your photos. They have a completely differently subject matter and a cool abstract feel to them. Blankets of white on a gray day do little to inspire me!


  9. Wonderful news. I’ve been working backwards through your posts as I catch up, watching to find out why you’re resting and healing.
    I can well imagine the agony of time passing but I’m pleased to have the good news before the waiting. 😀
    Again… wonderful news. 😀


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