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More from a wintry morn

Snow covered magnolia leaves
Snow covered magnolia leaves

A tree forms itself in answer
to its place and the light.
Explain it how you will, the only
thing explainable will be
your explanation.

~ Wendell Berry, Given

Looking back
Looking back

You’re probably wondering how I managed to take so many photos on Wednesday morning after I mentioned that I wasn’t able to stay outside for as long as I would have liked.  I did manage to get in almost an hour of walking and exploring before I had to do the responsible thing, and go back indoors to get things ready for the day’s events.

The light finds a way in
The light finds a way in

I like this particular series of images because of the way the sunlight highlights some of the trees or leaves or snow.  Clicking on any of the images takes you to the slightly larger version.  You may need to do that to catch all of the bits and pieces of light.

Almost at the dock
Almost at the dock

We might as well have a look at Back Creek while we’re out this way.

Looking right
Looking right
Looking left
Looking left

No one lights a lamp in order to hide it behind the door: the purpose of light is to create more light, to open people’s eyes, to reveal the marvels around.

~ Paulo Coelho

The heaviness of snow
The heaviness of snow

The wax myrtles in the woods and the meadows were so weighed down by the heavy snow that some of the branches were on the ground, stretched across the pathways.  Wax myrtles seem to be made to bend, not break.  They all sprang right back up as soon as the snow let go of its hold on them.

A piece of the sun
A piece of the sun

Dawn is the time when nothing breathes, the hour of silence.  Everything is transfixed, only the light moves.

~ Leonora Carrington

Sunlight here and there
Sunlight here and there

That’s it from the Wabi-Sabi Ranch on this warm and wonderful Friday.  Snow?  What snow?  It’s all gone now.  Rain, on the other hand, is on its way.  Looks like it will be a very wet weekend.

Do you have any plans for the weekend?  M and I will be working around the property and the house.  I’m hoping to get a start on the yoga/meditation room.  There’s a lot of wallpaper to be steamed off the walls.  Anyone want to help?

Staying the path
Staying the path

Thank you so much for stopping by.  A big hello and a very warm welcome to all of my new visitors and followers.  Thank you all for your likes and comments and visits.  I appreciate every one.

Golden light
Golden light

Have a great weekend!  Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

Yesterday evening
Yesterday evening



Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

17 thoughts on “More from a wintry morn

  1. Uh, I would love to help you steam off wallpaper because I had so much fun doing it in a small upstairs bathroom on a hot July 4th, but sadly I have a date with my vacuum cleaner.


  2. I love the “looking left” photo, that light is amazingly beautiful. I will be spending some time in the garden this weekend. We had rain during the week so the ground is now soft, making weeds easier to remove. Some of my small plants didn’t survive the heat of the summer either, so they will have to be replaced. The thing that really fascinates me is how well planned everything in nature is…it had never occurred to me that tree branches would be weighted down by snow, and here you have explained the bending of the wax myrtle branches to accommodate the weight of the snow! 🙂


    1. Thank you, Joanne. 🙂 We’re having a goodly amount of rain here now. The rain and the warm-up have caused the trees to look ready to bloom or burst into leaves. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it happen overnight like this. Plants sure are fascinating.


  3. What beautiful photos with the clearing sky and morning glow on the snow. We had lovely snow, but none stuck. I did take an amazing series of photos yesterday of a Great Blue Heron in a marsh- exactly like the photo you end with. You have such lovely lighting and a wonderful reflection of the heron in the water. No wonder your followers are growing 😉 Hope you got things moved properly Wednesday- Best wishes, WG


  4. Amazing how the trees etc.. can spring back after being so weighed down by the heavy burden of snow, Robin, rain, frozen, you’d never think it could weigh so much, but try shifting it eh? back breaking.. I would help with the steaming, but,..(searching my mind for a great excuse… but brian the brain can’t find one!!) Where do i start? 😀 Lovely photo’s , as always.. and I’m sitting reflecting on the Heron, lovely capture, and no snow.. as you say, one day to the next, changeable ‘aint’ the word for Weather at the mo. . Maybe capricious is ? HNtrails xPenx


  5. Glad the snow is gone. I’m betting even a “winter person” like you has had about of enough of it by now. I was supposed to be going out on a hike with friends this weekend, but it looks like we are going to be rained out 😦


    1. Our weekend is rained out, too, Karma. We got an inch of rain overnight and they’re saying we’ll get at least that much more today and tomorrow. Between the snowmelt and the rain, it’s beginning to look like we live in the middle of a lake. lol!


  6. No, I do not really want to help. HOWEVER! I have some border that has mold on it and then borders in two bathrooms here that I need to get off and uhm peeling didn’t work. I am afraid of it now. Doing it with you might make it SOOOOOOOOOOO much more simple 🙂


        1. I bought a steamer specifically for removing wallpaper. I have a lot of wallpaper to remove so it made sense economically to just invest in one. You can rent one (I think Lowe’s and/or Home Depot rent them).


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