Posted in Beginnings, Earth, Eastern Shore, Faith, Fire, Food, Goals, Nature, Ohio, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, The Body Beautiful, The Joy of Exercise, Walking & Wandering, Water, Winter

12,000 Moves

Another sunrise from the kitchen.  This is the only time we saw hints of the sun today.
Another sunrise from the kitchen. This is the only time we saw hints of the sun today.

Movement is a medicine for creating change in a person’s physical, emotional, and mental states.

~ Carol Welch

Just before the rains came.
Just before the rains came.

Back in October, I purchased a MOVband.  Have you heard of the MOVband?  I hadn’t until my oldest son mentioned it during one of our weekly phone calls.  He got his at work as part of an exercise challenge.  The company, MOVABLE, is located in northeast Ohio (not far from where I used to live), so they got that going for them.  And the band itself, an activity tracker, is reasonably priced, unlike some other activity monitors.

A look at how I'm doing
The ups and downs

My goal has been 12,000 moves a day.  Some days I get there (and beyond) with no trouble.  Other days, I barely make it half way.  (We’re not going to discuss those really low dips that make it appear that I didn’t move at all except to say I was sitting in the car, riding out to the Bogs to celebrate an early Christmas with family.)  Now that I’ve had plenty of time (more than enough!) to use the MOVband and get to know what my usual movements are, it’s time to meet my goal on a daily basis, and then start increasing my moves.

12,000 moves is approximately 5 miles a day which, it happens, is the same as the 10,000 steps we’re all told we should be aiming for every day.  It should be mentioned that the MOV band isn’t perfect.  For instance, it doesn’t register my bicycle rides (I’ve tried putting it in my pocket and on my ankle and no luck so far).  It doesn’t register things I do that don’t involve waving my arms around (push-ups are a good example).  What it does register, big time, is when I prepare food.  All that slicing, dicing, and chopping add up to a lot of moves.  So, is it accurate?  Probably not.  However, it does give me a good idea of how much I’m moving each day, and that is extremely helpful.

Window on a rainy day
Window on a rainy day

Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.

~ Plato

Since my birthday, I’ve been making plans for a year-long health challenge.  I would have started the entire program by now, but had to wait for the kitchen to be finished.  It’s difficult to cook healthful meals when you don’t have a kitchen to cook in.  Finally, I do have a kitchen, and a lovely kitchen it is, too.


In addition to having a lovely kitchen, I was given some gifts at Christmas that will help me along the way.  One of those things, something you’ve already seen, is a Masala Dabba, an Indian spice container.  If you have ever done any kind of vegetarian and vegan cooking, you know that spices play a huge role in creating good flavors.  (I find that to be true when it comes to cooking with meat, too, but I don’t like the flavor of most meats and so, I end up using a lot of herbs and spices to cover up the meat taste.)  I’ve been cooking a lot of Indian or Indian-inspired dishes over the past few years, and I was thrilled to get a Masala Dabba.

Oak and pine
Oak and pine

The second really useful gift I received was Isa Chandra Moskowitz’s new cookbook, Isa Does It: Amazingly Easy, Wildly Delicious Vegan Recipes for Every Day of the Week.  I’ve already made three of the recipes in the book, and OMG, they are awesomeness on a plate and/or in a bowl.

I’ve started projects like this before, with plans made, and goals set.  I make a little progress each time, and then I start again, saying that this time I will reach my goal.  This time around, I’m not set on a goal.  Instead, I’m set on how I feel each day.  What can I do to make myself feel good today?  It’s as simple as that.  I don’t need a to-do list.  I just need to do, because I already know what to do, what makes me feel good on all levels.  I’m off to a good start by reestablishing the Morning Routine (yoga, meditation, journal writing, exercise of some kind). The Morning Routine is the best way for me to start my day (even on those days when I don’t feel like doing it or have to shorten it somewhat).

The platform in the rain.
The platform and bench in the rain

In other news…

It’s raining here today so construction work has come to a standstill until Sunday when the sun is supposed to come back and things will dry out.  It’s nice to have a quiet day without trucks roaring in the driveway or people sawing and hammering.  The mason is scheduled to come by sometime on Sunday, and start laying the bricks for the foundation.  After that, they’ll start framing things out.  That’s the part I’m looking forward to because I’ll be able to see what the final product will look like.

M and I will be doing all the finishing touches (installing the flooring and lighting, the painting, etc.).  We’re still bouncing around color ideas.  We will also have to decide on furniture.  As you might recall, this house is smaller than our previous home, and we have too much (of just about everything!).  Whatever doesn’t fit comfortably in the new rooms, and hasn’t been slated for or already moved to another room, will have to go.

Misty in the marsh
Misty in the marsh

I reckon that’s it from me and from the Wabi-Sabi Ranch for today.  Thank you for visiting.  Do you have any plans for the weekend?  Or are you the spontaneous type, waiting to see what comes up?  Sunday looks like it will be nice enough for a trip to the beach or maybe to one of the nearby parks for a hike.  Hopefully I can take the new camera out for a spin.


Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

30 thoughts on “12,000 Moves

  1. perfect time for me to read about 12,000 moves … just got back from a beach walk after having done my morning pilates … phew! i am surprised your bike riding does not register … but you are right, moving is awfully good for you! Your still life shots are amazing, really lusciously gorgeous 🙂


    1. Thank you, Christine. 🙂 A beach walk sounds wonderful. It’s been a while since I’ve visited the beach. I’ll have to check the weather and see if we have a good beach day coming up.


  2. A goal of 12,000, according to the MOVband, could be tricky if it doesn’t register all moves Robin, but you have a very accurate monitor in “how you feel”. It will all help towards your target for a healthy life. It’s great news that you’re enjoying your kitchen too! Enjoy your weekend; I’ll be just doing a bit of this, that and the other around the house, while our weather isn’t too hot. 🙂


  3. I had never heard of the MOVband. Suppose I wouldn’t be able to find one here. LOVE the rain-on-the-window photo and the misty one. Really lovely.

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Hugs from Ecuador,


  4. I think MOVBAND would be embarrassing for me – just now. My plan is to change that – and I will. Any minute now. However, my promise to myself to eat healthier food is in action and I am very pleased with me. I do need to learn more about the use of spices and herbs – my daughter makes it look so simple, but she is a much more natural cook than I. I have a book from My Humble Kitchen that has some very interesting recipes in it that I think I’ll try.


    1. Take it slow, Carol, with the herbs and spices as well as the movement. I use herbs and spices now that I didn’t used to like. I had to train my palate to like cumin, for instance, a spice a lot of people seem to like just fine without training their palates. I started with a little and have worked my way up to using almost as much as called for in the recipes I use.


  5. Oh such a busy weekend! Go to friends to eat cookies. 🙂 Get kids tomorrow. May take them to an Indian Pow Wow. Visit with mom and aunt on Sunday. There may be lots of sitting in between the running. 😉


  6. Hey, that almost looks like the stats on WP! LOL
    Maybe you need to find a way to extend the band an put it around your thigh when you ride your bike? Or just wave your arm wildly while riding 😉
    MOVband seems like a good idea, it just need a little improving to make it more accurate.
    Love the pictures of the bowls of fruit and veggies.


  7. Good for you getting in those 12,000 moves! Did not know 10,000 steps was five miles. Interesting. Don’t we all need to get moving more. I am hoping to get to the shoe place for running shoes this afternoon. We’ll see. Love the still lifes (is that a word?)….beautiful lighting. Love the rest as well..but those made me stop and stare. Katie says a walk in the park is a Sunday requirement.


  8. True words, Robin, we know what we need to do, it’s just the doing gets to be difficult sometimes for whatever reason we come up with. for instance, I’ve been unable to a lot of things lately, (not least catching up with you and others on WP) ‘cos of problems too long to list. BUT saying that I am getting there slowly but surely. Belated Happy New Year wishes to you and yours. and great to catch up with your doings. (I need to read your back(b)logs to catch up so I shall return. (a promise not a threat 🙂 ) xxxPenxxx


    1. Hello, Pen!! And Happy New Year to you, too! It’s great to see you again. Don’t worry about catching up. I post too much. Just start from where you’re at. I’m sure you didn’t miss too much. 🙂


  9. Love the “oak and pine” photo – it reminds me of an autumn afternoon. I’ve been feeling a similar way about not setting goals, rather spending more time simply being. Each day is so full of simple pleasures if only I take the time to notice them…


    1. Thank you, Barbara. 🙂 I think it’s the simple pleasures I like the most. The big, noisy ones are nice from time to time, but the simple, quiet ones are available all the time.


  10. Gosh, that chart looks like the WordPress stats! Which puts me in mind of the Rhythm of Life. Which makes me suddenly wonder if maybe stats are supposed to go up and down, up and down, instead of always up like our minds want? Oh, please don’t think I’m addressing this to you (even though I am). Mostly musing about the difference between what we humans think we want and how they actually are and how I might pay attention to that discrepancy more often.


    1. Interesting thoughts, Kathy. I think you may be on to something. Stats, life, all of it seems to swing back and forth (or go up and down). My stats tanked after moving to the new blog, but I’m learning to be okay with that, and to take things as they are rather than as my mind thinks it wants it to be. 😀


      1. Good for you! I remember how much problem I had with the stats after I moved to my current blog. It took a while to be able to settle with the new reality, instead of the Mind’s insistence about how it should be.


  11. Hi Robin. Here I am, trying to catch up on my reading. Your Movband sounds interesting. It sounds like an improvement on pace counters. I have been trying to stand up for kitchen tasks rather than use my stool since I know I am not doing enough weight-bearing activity. Congratulations on your health challenge! Jane


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