Posted in Air, Critters, Earth, Eastern Shore, Home, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Pond, Quotes, Spirit, Summer, Walking & Wandering, Water, Wonder

This morning

This morning
A Great Blue Heron came to visit

Creativity is the Blue Heron within us waiting to fly;
through her imagination, all things become possible.

~ Nadia Janice Brown

June 2013 004a

I woke up to the sound of rain this morning.  It started loud and heavy (a quarter inch fell in less than two minutes), and then relaxed into a lovely and rhythmic sound while I was doing my yoga practice.  The song of the water pouring from the sky was a wonderful accompaniment to the breath as I slowly moved from one pose to another.

Meditation on the rain
Meditation on the rain

While I was in the kitchen sipping on a cup of tea, a Great Blue Heron gracefully and quietly landed in the grass by the pond.  We pondered each other for a minute, and then she walked over to the pond to see what was being served for breakfast.  I’m not sure what she ate.  I enjoyed a bowl of fresh fruit (including some of those black raspberries I showed you yesterday).


Yesterday evening, and again this morning, the sky out front was filled with gulls.  Something at the front of the property has attracted them.  They swoop through the meadows and around the trees, feeding.

Dive and swoop
Dive and swoop

I’m hoping they’re feasting on deer flies, but it could be cicadas.  I heard the first of the cicadas on Saturday evening.  I read that it’s supposed to be a big year for cicadas.

As many as I could capture
As many as I could capture

The wild turkey has been by again.  And a beautiful young buck (deer) has occasionally popped his head and white tail out of the tall grasses out front.  Someday he might consent to having his picture taken.  I hope.

Male cardinal after a heavy rain.
Male cardinal after a heavy rain.

I meandered down to the mailbox in between rain showers.  The running practice I’ve been getting came in handy.  When I turned around to come back to the house, it looked like this:

Storm approaching
Storm approaching

Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed in the distance, and I learned that I can run almost the entire length of the driveway dressed in long pants, a long sleeve (bug resistant) shirt, hat with netting, and heavy hiking boots.

I'm not sure what these are.
I’m not sure what these are.

I guess that’s it from the Wabi-Sabi Ranch for today.  Thank you for visiting.  Even with all the rumbling, flashing, and whooshing of rain, it’s been a peaceful day.  A good day to practice mindfulness.  I hope your day has been peaceful, too.

A goldfinch after a bath in a puddle.
A goldfinch after a bath in a puddle.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

Isn't she beautiful?
Isn’t she beautiful?


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

34 thoughts on “This morning

  1. She is beautiful. But I suspect she got a little boost from you as well. That’s not exactly what the blue herons around here look like. . .

    I didn’t realize you have a pond.


    1. A little boost, Christine. The processing I used boosted the light which boosts the color a little, too. The color is not far off, though, depending on the light. This one has been around a few times, and she has a beautiful blue sheen to her. 🙂
      We found a place with a pond, a very large tidal creek (looks more like a river to me), a dock on the creek, and a grand total of 35 acres. It’s very wild here.


  2. Gosh, she’s gorgeous, Robin! And I LOVE the quote at the beginning of this post! We had a wonderful rain here in Cuenca yesterday, the first in the past week or two, as we are entering our dry season.
    Hugs from Ecuador,


  3. I am in love with your blue heron, well they are a precious, mystical bird in my life. I am hoping you might earmark her, so that when i am once again settled, i might purchase a copy to grace the walls of my new home. oh, and run fast!!


    1. Thank you so much, Joss. 🙂 The heron is already available at my RedBubble shop, but let me know when you’re ready for it so I can reduce the price for you.


  4. Such a lovely post – all the way ’round 🙂
    Your Mystery Plant looks like cat briar – a vining weed with some nasty thorns. They make huge thickets, left unchecked…not a fun plant to have around 😦


    1. Thank you, Marie. And thanks for ID’ing that plant. I’ll be attacking it with the loppers (M calls them the Cindy Loppers…hahaha) soon. 🙂


  5. Those heron shots are amazing! How do you know it is a she? Or was that just an executive decision? 😉 I think your birds swooping through the meadow are common terns. I could be wrong but they look just like the birds I see at the shore swooping for tiny fish. I’ve never seen them away from the water, so it is really neat to see them in your meadow.


  6. Marvellous and dignified (looking like royalty visiting) Heron photo’s Robin, and I am now trying to picture you dressed for the action run down the driveway. 🙂 I’ve missed yesterdays action so I shall see you there. 🙂 happy new trails xPenx


  7. There have been so many new discoveries for you around your new home already Robin, just imagine what awaits you as all of the seasons progressively unfold. 🙂


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