Posted in 40-Day Challenge, Change, Covid-19, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Gifts, Gratitude, Home, Life, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Spring, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather

My smile

Another rainy day here on the Eastern Shore.

How we love individual trees, but how we forget that our tree is embedded within a community of beings—a forest—without which that individual could not exist. It is only through relationships that a solitary tree is able to survive. So, too, ourselves.

~ Fred Bahnson, from The Church Forests of Ethiopia

Beech leaves in the sunlight on another day.

I had this odd thought this morning, one that felt like a piece of a half-remembered dream.  A warning, maybe, but it felt more like a hope.  That we would all have to pass through this virus, or let it pass through us, and that it would become part of who we are as humans from now on.  It’s not a prophetic dream or thought.  Just the reality of things.  We’re all going to be affected by this in some way, even if it’s only as part of the history of these times.  Plenty of people have already noted that this shows us how connected we are all on this planet.  I do hope we learn the importance of that as time goes on.

Today’s April Love 2020 prompt is:  My smile.  Trees, lately, have been my smile, or what make me smile.  They are part of my community.  I watched the short film, The Church Forests of Ethiopia, on Emergence Magazine this morning.  I read the essay, too.  I highly recommend it (and I linked to it in the quote at the beginning of this post).

I do have a selfie of me smiling that I could post, but it’s not going to happen today.  I was reluctant to post a photo of me, especially the current me who is so badly in need of a haircut.  Then I decided I would because… why not?  I took the photo, sent it to myself so I could download it to my computer and then upload it here.  That’s when our internet connection went wonky.  We can’t get to some websites at all, and I am unable to download the picture from my email.  Our internet service provider says they are terribly, terribly busy right now.  So, we’ll have to make do with some photos from earlier in the year, none of which include me.  They were taken way back in January, before the world went strange.  (I have enough photos in the archives, photos never used, to get me through years of blogging.)

The Weathervane building.

Today is Day 4 of the self-care challenge.  How are you doing today?

I was up quite early this morning to do my yoga and meditation practices, and I took a short afternoon walk in the drizzling rain.  It will have to do.

Here’s a video for today:  Don’t Socially Distance Your Heart (a Total Eclipse of the Heart parody).

Floating in early January.

Thanks for visiting today.  We have not been able to watch the sunset lately.  Thick clouds keep obscuring our view.  Even so, I watch for it.  I hope you do, too.

Be safe, be well.  ♥♥♥

An old sunset.

A few of the 10,000 reasons to be happy:  1,296)  Stomping around in the puddles.  1,297)  Finishing up our art project.  I will show it to you soon.  I promise.  1,298)  Getting outside, no matter what the weather.  1,299)  Spinach, onion, and potato omelet for breakfast.  1,300)  Recipes sent to me by friends.  I’m looking forward to trying out a few.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

21 thoughts on “My smile

    1. I’m surprised, too, Eliza. Ours is really slowing down now. We ran out of bytes/data because my husband is working from home. Our internet provider is supposed to either expand or take off the limits. We’ll see how it goes today. Usually they throttle us (terrible term — slow us down). My guess is that they are doing that (judging from how slow things were yesterday) and we will have to call to get them to lift it. They don’t impress me as the type of company who would just do it out of the goodness of their hearts if you didn’t ask.

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Sometimes the internet is on our side and just doesn’t want us to post a photo of ourselves looking less than our best 😀 I very much enjoyed that same offering from Emergence today. I have been chatting with the trees I walk under these last couple of days, first telling them their world would become quieter as we go into lock down, that this is the time for them to settle into their roots and enjoy time with less humans interrupting their contemplative lives…… Then asking how it was going for them as I am the only person walking, it seems, in the city right now. I am enjoying this quieter time so far.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. LOL, Pauline! So true, and thank goodness the internet took my side this time. It doesn’t, always. There are times it lets me post things I later regret. 😉 I have been chatting with the trees, too. And singing to them. My yoga teacher gave me a song to sing to them, an experimental (experiential) practice to deepen the connection to the trees and earth. It’s been interesting and there is something about singing that feels soothing. I like that you’re asking the trees how they’re doing. I bet they like it, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. “…felt like a piece of a half-remembered dream” a fabulous phrase – such feelings pulled up.
    The picture with the weather vane building is wonderful – such depth with the dark tree trunk across the crepe myrtle (?) with the light building that has so many shades, textures and details. Somehow the tall bush looks happy – maybe a posed ballet dancer with arms over head. Interesting image
    Take care and be there

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, PhilosopherMouse. 🙂 That building fascinates me, especially as it becomes more and more weathered. The dark trunk is a mulberry tree. The shrub is a hibiscus. I didn’t realize how much it resembles the crepe myrtles until you mentioned it. Be well.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Reason #1298 may be the one that gets me through this time of coronavirus.

    “It is only through relationships that a solitary tree is able to survive.” I like that and have been thinking something like that when it comes to blogging. We’re all solitary bloggers, but we survive because of our relationships in the blogosphere.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same here, Ally. It’s what keeps me sane. 🙂

      I agree with you about the blogging connections and the relationships we form. I’ve been blogging for a long time (at least 20 years now — started back in the day when you had to do your own html) and just went through a long, dry spell of off and on blogging. I was working my way back when the virus hit. It’s good to be here again.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I started blogging back when you had to learn html if’n you wanted to have a blog. I didn’t know you’d been around that long, too. Nice to meet another kindred spirit. I just wrote about this being my 16th anniversary this week.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Hope to see a picture of you soon. Along with giving thanks to cashiers, nurses, doctors, truck drivers and all the other people who actually do so much work, we can also add all the techies who keep the Internet running. Where would we be without it right now?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. There are so many people out there on the front lines, keeping us going, Laurie. I am grateful for them all. Maybe you’ll see me. But maybe not until I reconcile myself with my hair. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

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