Posted in Change, Critters, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Gifts, Life, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Spirit, Spring, Walking & Wandering, Weather

A visit from the Green Man

Draped in green
Decorated in green

Remember me, try to remember
I am that laughing man with eyes like leaves.
When you think that winter will never end,
I will come.

~ Excerpted from The Green Man by Lauren Raine

Hiding in the rain garden
Hiding in the rain garden

Every spring there comes a morning when I go out for my walk and think, “The Green Man was here last night!”  Today is that day this year.

Wild turkey in the green
Wild turkey in the green

Although I know from my daily walks that the greening doesn’t happen overnight, today it seemed as if it had.  Suddenly and all at once, the trees were leafing out and the grass was the most amazing shade of green.

Too pretty to mow.
Too pretty to mow.

We have had rain here for the past two days or so, and everything looks so lush and full of life.

The garden maple
The garden maple

The cherry trees are losing their blossoms and the ground is covered with the soft, white petals.  Other trees and shrubs are blooming now, and the scent of their flowers fills the air.

April 2014C 022a


We had super high tides yesterday that flooded the woods.  I put on my boots and sloshed through the water on the trail, making my way out to the dock, part of which was under the rushing water.  I said a silent “thank you” to the person who built the dock.  They did a good job.  It’s very sturdy.  I could see how powerful the water was, but couldn’t feel it on the dock.

Irises near the scrounger's garden
Irises near the scrounger’s garden

I’m afraid I don’t have any photos of the flooding to show you.  It was raining, and I didn’t take the camera with me.  You can probably picture it in your mind, water flowing through the pines and cedars, covering the woodland trail, green blades of tall grass sticking out here and there.

Reflections in the rain garden
Reflections in the rain garden

That’s about it from the Wabi-Sabi Ranch for today.  Thank you for stopping by.  I hope your week has been going well.  They say the clouds will clear out later today.  It might be a good day to watch the sunset from the Point.  I meant to go down there during the storm.  Rumor had it the waves were high, but I didn’t get a chance to see them.  It’s much calmer today.  Let’s meet at the Point.  Sunset is at 7:54 PM.  Wear your wellies.  It’s pretty wet out there.  You probably won’t need a jacket.  It’s in the 80’s and fairly humid.

Under the old oak
Under the old oak

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

Touched by the Green Man
Touched by the Green Man

Note:  My first (and Freshly Pressed) post on the Green Man can be found here.




Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

9 thoughts on “A visit from the Green Man

  1. I sometimes imagine how special greening must be when there has been snow …. here the green man comes when we have a lot of rain … this year it was in our autumn when brown fields went green overnight! Thanks for the picture of tides flooding through the woods, amazing … when the salt water comes over into the bushland we lose salt-sensitive trees … but it sounds as though your woods are used to it … meet you at the dock with my wellies 🙂


  2. Oh, my. What a beautiful post. “Under the Old Oak” makes me drool it’s so beautiful. Isn’t it amazing how green spring rains make our world? Tap water won’t do it, Miracle Gro can’t do it, only Nature’s Rains make that miraculous greening. Thank you for sharing your world with us today!


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