Posted in Change, Earth, Eastern Shore, Fire, Gifts, Home, Lagoon, Maryland, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather, Winter

Time shift

Solo flight
Solo flight

Time is a game played beautifully by children.

~ Heraclitus

Group effort
Group effort

I am still recovering from our time shift, from fall and winter time to spring and summer time.  I often wonder why we do it.  I’ve heard stories about how switching to daylight savings time is supposed to help us save energy, but the latest studies on that say no, we don’t save anything.  Businesses benefit from it because people stay out later and spend more money.  On the other hand, businesses don’t benefit in the form of productivity because it is said productivity goes down.  People become more accident prone during this first week of summer time, too.

A not-empty sky
A not-empty sky

One of the lovely benefits of springing forward is that sunrise comes a little later for a while so it’s easy to be up and out of bed for it.  Change is coming our way in the form of a cold front, and change means colorful sunrises and sunsets.

Sun pillar
Sun pillar at sunrise

Yesterday was amazing.  The temperature got up into the 70’s and the sun was with us for most of the day.  The spring peepers have been peeping for about a week or two.  At least I think they’re spring peepers.  Their song is a little different from what I grew used to in the Bogs.  It’s lower pitched, I think.  I have the windows open this morning, and can hear their on-going chorus.

The colors change as the light brightens.
The colors change as the light brightens.

There are flowers popping up all over the place.  I took a walk along the road and noticed the ground was dotted with blue, and they were not little pieces of blue plastic.

Teeny tiny blue flowers
Teeny tiny blue flowers

When the daffodils finally bloom, we’re going to have a lot of them.  They have been popping up all around the greenhouse, the house, and the lagoon.

Daffodils in the evening
Daffodils in the evening

Lost time is never found again.

~ Benjamin Franklin

The moon grows.  (A collage of moon, sky, and reflections on the water.)
The moon grows. (A collage of moon, sky, and reflections on the water.)

You might be wondering what happened to the post about Smithfield and the rest of our travels to Williamsburg, Virginia.  I suppose I might get around to it someday.  I find it difficult to finish my travel posts once I’m at home.  There is so much happening now that I don’t want to spend too much time in the past, even if it’s the very recent past.

Gone fishing
Gone fishing

Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in.

~ Henry David Thoreau


I think that’s about it from the Wabi-Sabi Ranch for today.  Remember that cold front I mentioned earlier?   It’s bringing storms with it.  I’m not sure this will be a good evening to watch the sunset.  We’ll have to wait and see.  They say we’ll get gusty winds, and possibly some thunder and lightning.  It’s a clash of the seasons.  Spring is growing stronger here every day, and winter is just blustering now.  Even the colder temperatures coming won’t be as cold as they have been just a week or two ago.

The crocuses are almost finished their season.
The crocuses are almost finished their season.  (Someone has been taking tiny bites out of the flowers.  Look at the one on the left and you’ll see the bite marks.  I think the bunnies are munching on them.)

Thank you for visiting today, and joining me on a walk around the ranch.  I hope your Wednesday has been wonder-filled.

Near the house
Near the house

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

26 thoughts on “Time shift

  1. Lovely walk – didn’t even need rose colored glasses. The cool front has brought sun and very strong winds, so no planting/mulching today. Those 3 little purple-ish flowers with the yellow centers – we have those in pink here – as kids we used to chase others down and brush the yellow pollen on other kids faces and call it make-up. Maybe we were actually desynthesizing each other and preventing allergies? Anyway, good for all to be outdoors.


  2. Love your composite of the moon, Robin. I agree with you on the time change, although I love the long evenings. The rain is lashing us now, and I’m dreading the cold tomorrow. I’m spoiled already by the warmth, and so is the garden! We heard frogs for the first time last night, and saw bats in the evening sky. Won’t be long now until spring settles in. Stay warm tonight 😉 WG


    1. Thank you, WG. 🙂 The long evenings are lovely, that’s true. It’s quite chilly here this morning, but in an invigorating way. The wind is full of great energy.


  3. such remarkably pink dawn skies … and the moon image is divine … so glad Spring is making her presence felt … whereas here we are still on Summer Time, enjoying the longer evenings while mornings seem darker and darker … we change over soon, April 6th … love the blue heron and the fishing quote, a lighthearted attitude to time 🙂


  4. Hi there Robin, good to know the spots of blue weren’t plastic.. 🙂 . and looks as if you have an earlier ‘spring forward’ hour, than us, ours will be on the last Sunday this month. (there was talk (rumblings I suppose) in Government about dropping the process of hours forth and back but nothings come of it ) BUT less of that chatter, I’m scrolling back, very quickly to your opening shots.. then ever so slowly working down, filling my eyes with every photo…. THANKYOU, so much, today has not been a good day, but now? it is… 🙂 xPenx


  5. I saw spring in a greenhouse – you get to see it in real life! How wonderful! How nice to see the crocuses up and about, and that first sunrise shot is sensational. Still waiting for our blanket of snow to melt away.


  6. Such wonderful photos, Robin. It’s definitely starting to look like spring! I love those teeny tiny blue flowers… kids, my sister and I used to call them “rain flowers”, and if you pick one, it would rain the next day LOL


    1. Thank you, Michaela. 🙂 Do you know the name of the flowers? I couldn’t find them in my wildflower book. I like your story about them. Maybe I’ll just call them “rain flowers” too. 😀


  7. I have a hard time adjusting to the time changes, too, but I definitely find “falling back” harder than “springing forward”. I want to sleep as soon as it’s dark, which gets pretty early at the winter time shift. At least in the spring, even though we “lose” an hour, we make up for it with a later bedtime. 🙂


    1. “Falling back” is my favorite time, Dana. I love the illusion of having an extra hour. I think it’s the only time of year when I don’t feel behind. But I do understand about the shift in terms of evening light. 🙂


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