Posted in Air, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Gratitude, Home, Life, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Spirit, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather, WeekendCoffeeShare, Winter

If we were having coffee: Oh what a night edition

Yesterday's sunrise.
Yesterday’s sunrise.

I’ve always envied people who sleep easily.  Their brains must be cleaner, the floorboards of the skull well swept, all the monsters closed up in a steamer trunk at the foot of the bed.

~ David Benioff, City of Thieves

January 2016C 015a
Heralding the storm.

If we were having coffee, tea, or some other beverage, I would be surprised and happy to see you.  Come on in!  It’s a mess out there, isn’t it?  Since it’s so late in the day and the snow has started again, maybe we should make this a pajama party rather than a coffee chat.  I’m already in my PJs because it’s been that kind of day.  We can have grown-up beverages, too, if you’d prefer.  I’ll probably stick with herbal tea.  A nice rooibus.  I had a rough night last night (as you could probably tell by how tired I look) and tea is about all I can handle for now.

A wider view.
A wider view.

How are you?  Did the storm they named Jonas come calling on you last night or this morning?  If so, how did you fare?  Did you get a lot snow?  How about wind?  Did it roar and howl?  What have you been up to lately?  Are you well?  Have you gone on any good walks or hikes?  Traveled anywhere?  Treated yourself to something special this week?  Read any good books or watched any good films?

In the beginning.
In the beginning.

M and I have watched a couple of movies since our last coffee chat.  Trainwreck, which was pretty much as expected.  Funny and entertaining.  And Get on Up, a bio-pic about James Brown, the Godfather of Soul.  I enjoyed both but of the two, I liked Get on Up the best.  I am a fan of soul and funk, the music was good, and I learned a bit about James Brown.

Snow falls.
Snow falls.

As for books, I’m still reading The Zookeeper’s Wife: A War Story by Diane Ackerman.  I should finish it sometime this week.  It’s an interesting book about Jan and Antonina Zabinski, Polish zookeepers in Warsaw who saved over three hundred people who were hiding from and/or escaping from the Nazis.  I also started reading Adyashanti’s Falling into Grace: Insights on the End of Suffering.  I seem to have quite a collection of books about non-duality on my bookshelf.

I made a sweet potato and black bean chili for dinner last night.
I made a sweet potato and black bean chili for dinner last night.

If we were having coffee, tea, or something else, I would tell you that last night was a very long night.  The storm that has been named Jonas came whistling in with snow around 2:00 PM yesterday.  It snowed and snowed and snowed.  I went out before dark for a little while to walk in the woods and enjoy the snow, but most of the accumulation happened after dark so the pictures I took are not much to look at.  From the looks of things on the deck, we got about six inches or so of snow.

Snow squiggles.
Snow squiggles.

A brief side note:  I am not a fan of the naming of winter storms.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe because I feel as though it amps up the hype and fear factors.  In this case, perhaps amping it up wasn’t a bad idea.  This storm has caused a lot of damage at the beaches around here, and it isn’t finished yet.  I’ve been following local news primarily, but I know that west and north of us they received a lot of snow and it will probably be a while before they dig out.

Snow streaks.
Snow streaks.

Around 11:00 PM the snow changed over to sleet or freezing rain, and then to rain.  That’s also when the wind began to howl and roar, pelting and pummeling the house with the rain and its own force.  I went to bed as usual, but could not get to sleep with all that noise going on.  M, it should be noted, sleeps through pretty much everything so he didn’t get the full experience of the storm last night since he was busy in dreamland.  The house was rattling and rocking, and sometimes the wind boomed so loudly that it startled me from a drifting half-sleep that was neither sleep nor wakefulness.

Winter paints a scene.
Winter paints a scene.

Since sleep was so elusive and the storm was so loud, I gave up on bed and sat out in the living room until about 4:00 AM, mostly listening to the storm.  It was not insomnia keeping me awake so I turned the television on for a little while.  We don’t have cable, but do pick up quite a few channels over the air.  Unfortunately, there’s not much on in the middle of the night.  Next time I will use my internet bonus bytes and stream something.  (The bonus bytes are “conveniently” available from 2:00 AM until 8:00 AM.)

Looking out last night.
Looking out last night.

If I hadn’t been so tired, I might have gone out into the elements just to see and feel what was happening outside.  I didn’t think of it until this morning.  I’ll put that on my list for next time, too.

Rainy morning.
Rainy morning.

Today has brought more wind and rain.  Our backyard is beginning to resemble a lake.  The rain changed over to snow a little while ago, and it’s expected to continue to snow for the next several hours as we get hit with the back side of the storm.  The wind continues to blow at about 25-30 mph, with gusts (they say) of up to 50-60 mph.

As the snow melts.
As the snow melts.  (This afternoon before the rain changed back to snow.)

If we were having coffee, tea, or some other beverage, I would tell you that I am a little disappointed about the rain.  Maybe tonight’s snowfall will stick, but it is so wet out there that I’m not sure it will.  Then again, the low tonight is expected to be about 24°F so if it freezes, which is likely, we might end up with an interesting winter wonderland come morning.

It was slushy on the deck this morning.
It was slushy on the deck this morning.

If we were having coffee, tea, or something else to drink, I would tell you that it has been a lazy day, especially for me.  M will be cooking dinner tonight (because he’s a great guy).  He’s making potato and leek soup, salad, and I can smell bread baking so that means he decided to make some kind of yeasty rolls.

Swaying in the meadow this afternoon.
Swaying in the meadow this afternoon.

If we were having coffee or some other beverage, I would turn the chat over to you at this point.  Pardon me if I’m a tad sleepy-headed.  I think we might be watching a movie later if you’d like to stay.  Or we can grab Bananagrams and play a fun game of that.  If you’re leaving, be careful out there.  Quite a bit of snow has fallen since you arrived and the temperature has been dropping so I’m sure there must be ice on some of these back roads.

Misty rain.
Misty rain.

Thank you so much for visiting.  Be safe, be warm, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂


This post is in response to Part Time Monster’s #WeekendCoffeeShare.  Put the kettle on, start the coffee maker, open a bottle of wine, or whatever your preference is, and join us.  I’d love to hear all about what you were up to this week.

A little snow left on the ground.
A little snow left on the ground.



Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

39 thoughts on “If we were having coffee: Oh what a night edition

    1. Thank you, Lisa. 🙂 I don’t think it will be thawing for at least another day or so. Tuesday’s forecast is for slightly warmer (almost 50’s) temps. I hope it’s not too much of a mess for you.


      1. It’s more snow than I’ve ever seen. I helped a neighbor dig her car out and it would have seemed overwhelming alone. Ugh. The work of digging out begins after the enjoyment of the storm!


  1. Hope dinner was even tastier than it sounds! It is good to have a rest day now and again. I’m with you watching those wee early hours roll past. Hope you get better rest tonight. Here, we’re still listening to the wind. But our power and heat are on, and we’re quite cozy and happy. Take good care of yourself, WG

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hope your cozy and getting some much needed sleep! Sounds like the dinner will have filled you up and prepared you for a nice nights rest so you can feel better in the morning! Fingers are crossed for a winter wonderland for you tomorrow!

    We did not see any of Jonas, though I’d be happy for some more moisture at this point! Maybe with the next storm 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Melissa. 🙂 I’m feeling much improved today. As for the winter wonderland, a little of the snow stuck around, but not much. I hope you get the precipitation you need soon.

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    1. Hi Wendy! It’s good to “see” you again! It’s been a while. Are you blogging again?

      Thanks. The snow didn’t amount to much, but it’s still very pretty. 🙂


  3. We are feeling quite guilty here in Michigan. We had a beautiful day with blue skies and puffy white clouds….in the high 20’s outside. No wind. At least not much. Today they say will be the same. I’m sorry it’s not that way east of us too. Of these photos (all of which were wonderful) I like The “winter paints a scene” and misty rain” the best.

    I hope today is beautiful down there with lots of snow sculpture. Enjoy the soup and bread! I made potato soup (without leeks as the grocery store didn’t have any) yesterday. Yum.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Dawn. 🙂 No need to feel guilty. Enjoy your blue skies and puffy clouds. We had a similar kind of day today without the puffy clouds.


  4. I hope you got more rest last night. We ended up with about 20 inches of snow, I think. The sun is out now, and my husband is out shoveling. I made borscht, black bread, and pumpkin pie yesterday. We’ve been watching old X-Files episodes to get ready for the show’s return. 🙂

    Lovely photos. I really love the misty photos that look like Impressionist paintings.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Merril. 🙂 I think that’s why I like shooting (photos) when it’s raining or foggy. It gives them that Impressionist painting look.

      I wish I’d thought, a few months ago, to watch the old X-Files episodes. By the time the thought did cross my mind, it was too late unless I wanted to binge watch nine seasons in about a week. I’m looking forward to the new episodes.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Sounds like Jonas made a big mess for you. Find myself wondering how things look now. I have a friend who lives close to Baltimore and she says they got about 30″ there. We got only the tiny licks of the outskirts of the storm – there’s an inch or two here, nothing to even really think about for Massachusetts residents, though other parts of the state got more. Happy you didn’t lose power and are cozy and warm!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Karma. 🙂 We didn’t end up with too much snow in the end, but enough to make it look pretty. The roads, however, are a different story since they have snow over ice. We have advisories out asking people not to drive tonight or tomorrow morning.

      I heard on the news that Baltimore got hit hard, but didn’t realize it was 30″. Imagine! Too bad it didn’t make it over the bay to us.


  6. I’m sorry I couldn’t join you for coffee, but it seemed wise to stay put where I am, given the forecast for your side of the country. I watched reports of the weather out there last night and again this morning, and hope you’re doing well and have stayed warm. We had snow showers all day yesterday, but they were very wet, gentle showers, and very little stuck. It says in fine print we’re to have more of the same today. Your photos are beautiful, as they always are, and there are too many I like to pick a favorite.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Carol. 🙂 Best to stay safe, sound, and warm when a nor’easter is blowing around the east coast. All is well here. A broken bird house, a door (leaning against the weathervane building) that fell over, and a few small branches down were about the extent of the damage. Given the way the wind howled and gusted, I was expecting to see some downed trees, but they’re all still standing.

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  7. Storms do keep us alert. The winter weather this year has been strange all year. It is partly sunny here in Idaho. I guess naming storms helps with comparing back storms instead of the year. We here name storms for what is happing. Columbus Day Storm is one I remembered.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Your weather sound all over the place! Here in NJ we had all snow, no rain or ice. The accumulation is about a foot with higher drifts. Yesterday I spent the day hiding inside reading and watching TV. Hubby and I watched “Sons of Liberty” a History Channel miniseries we had recorded. It was about the colonists first involved in rebelling against The English at the beginning of the revolution. It was like an entertaining history lesson!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was crazy weather, Nancy. Enjoy your snow! I heard NJ got hit with quite a bit (and I’ve seen pictures of my brother shoveling his way down his driveway). That sounds like an interesting miniseries. I like history, and that goes double if they make it entertaining. 🙂

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  9. Isn’t it interesting all the spiritual books we end up with? Yet if I look back, there was something that seemed to click with each one. For me, sometimes I just couldn’t sustain the energy and presence I felt emerging from within without coming into contact with some wisdom. Even if the next book was saying the same thing as the previous ones, just in a new way, it still helped at the time.

    Lately I’ve enjoyed a few novels. After a pretty intense work stint, I made quick work of a few good ones over the recent holiday break. I can’t really pick a favorite… (I hope the links work!) I read and enjoyed Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki, This Side of Brightness and White Noise.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s it, Michael! I hadn’t thought about it until I read your comment, but that’s the reason I end up reading so many spiritual books. It’s a kind of immersion, maybe, or at least a reminder. And, like you, I find something that clicks in each one, even when they all seem to be saying the same thing.

      One of those books (Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki ) was already on my reading list. I’m going to have to move it up. So many people have recommended it. The other two (This Side of Brightness and White Noise) sound interesting, too, so I’ve added them. Thank you! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Sure sounded like a wild night out there. I don’t much care for excessive winds myself, esp. the ‘shake the house’ kind. At least there wasn’t a lot to shovel like folks elsewhere, small blessing. I love your photos with the golden grasses in the meadow, like paintings.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Eliza. 🙂 House-shaking winds sure are a wild ride. Not my favorite, but I think I do better if I get out and greet the wind rather than stay in and worry about what it might do.

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  11. A sleep over! Yay! How fun! We could talk all night. I’m glad you got some beautiful pictures out of the snow and I hope that the Sunday part of the storm was kind to you. It’s the kind of storm that makes us all glad we’re not there (except kids…they want to be in it). I hope all is good and you’ve all managed to stay safe.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Glad you could make it, Corina, and yes, we could talk all night! I think we would, too. 🙂 All is well. Sunday was pretty calm compared to Friday night and Saturday, and we got to see the sun.

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  12. This is nice. I felt like I was at your house just chatting. I came here from a ping back from Eliza’s quote challenge. I will go back and like your entry. I LOVE that quote. Your pictures are fantastic! I love how you get that effect where it looks more like a painting, where the background looks almost impressionistic as it blends into the focused foreground. Would love to know how you do that!
    We had 15 inches of snow on Tuesday, and I’m by myself this week, so I have been digging a little a day. Not sure when I’ll finish, but I have to by Monday. Gotta go to town.
    Thanks for the coffee, Robin, and I will be back!

    Liked by 1 person

Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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