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3-Day Quote Challenge: There is no hurry

Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. June 2012.
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia. June 2012.

By the time it came to the edge of the Forest the stream had grown up, so that it was almost a river, and, being grown-up, it did not run and jump and sparkle as it used to do when it was younger, but moved more slowly.  For it knew now where it was going, and it said to itself, “There is no hurry.  We shall get there some day.”

~ Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Eliza invited me to participate in the 3-Day Quote Challenge, and we all know how much I love a good quote.  Thank you, Eliza.  🙂  It was fun.

The rules are simple:  Post an inspirational, uplifting quote for three consecutive days, and invite three other bloggers to join you.

I think most of my fellow bloggers have already participated in (or been invited to participate in) a quote challenge of some kind so I’m not sure who to invite.  If you haven’t participated and you’d like to, consider this your invitation.  Let me know if you’re going to play along so I can include a link to your blog in my next post.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂