Posted in Autumn, Earth, Eastern Shore, Fire, Goals, Mindfulness, NaBloPoMo, Nature, Photography, Portals & Pathways, Running, Spirit, Walking & Wandering, Water, Woods

No. 79

Beautiful morning
Beautiful morning

If you stopped yourself every single time you were about to say, “I have to” and changed it to “I get to,” it might change your entire experience.

~ Kristin Armstrong, Mile Markers: The 26.2 Most Important Reasons Why Women Run

Beautiful sky
Beautiful sky

M and I got up early yesterday so we could go to Salisbury and participate in A Day in the Park: The Nevaeh Bishop Memorial Epilepsy 5K Run & Walk.  When I first woke up, I thought, “I have to get up,” followed by, “I don’t want to” (drag out the word “want” and insert a whine in there).  Once we got to the park, my attitude changed to “I get to…”

One of the bridges at Salisbury Park
One of the bridges at Salisbury Park

The race took place at Salisbury Park, a place I want to go back and explore at a slower pace.  I took Lulu (my little point & shoot camera) with me since she’s a lightweight and easy to carry.  Most of the photos I took are terrible because I was moving, but I did get a few that are good enough to use for this post so you can get some idea of what the park is like.

Get ready, get set...
Get ready, get set…  (Bet you were expecting the funny toe shoes.  These are minimalist shoes, said to be almost like walking barefoot.  I need to invest in new funny toe shoes as mine have endured a lot of use, and it shows.)

The morning was delightful.  It was warm (almost 70 degrees!), and there were just enough clouds to make the sky look interesting.


There were not a lot of participants compared to, say, the Color Run.  I was told about 100 or so registered.  I was number 79.  That may be about where I placed, too.  I’m like the turtle in yesterday’s post.  Slow and steady.

The autumn colors were amazing.
The autumn colors were amazing.

M and I were there for the fun of it, rather than the race of it, although it was a sanctioned race (and there were some serious runners there).  We walked, we jogged, we walked, we jogged, etc., and in the end it was my personal best for a 5K.

The Finish Line isn't too far off.
The Finish Line isn’t too far off.

As you can see, the wind from the cold front didn’t bare the trees after all.  It did, however, take enough of the leaves to give the ground some cover and color.

Getting closer
Getting closer

I don’t have any photos of the finish line to show you.  Scroll back up and look at the bridge.  We crossed that (running, of course), took a right, ran under the balloons, and voila!  We were finished.

I had a great time at this event.  Everyone was very friendly, and it’s always nice to be cheered on and do some cheering on at the finish line.


Later in the day, back at home, I collapsed sat on the deck for a while, enjoying the sunshine and remaining warmth of the day.  Turkey buzzards circled overhead, and came down so close that I had to tell them that I’m not dead yet.

Looking for food
Looking for food

And so ends my tale of a November 5K here on the Eastern Shore.  Thank you so much for stopping by, and joining me in the park.  I hope your weekend has been going well.  M and I went for a hike today.  I’ll be back tomorrow with stories from the Pocomoke River State Park.

Riding off into the sunset.
Riding off into the sunset.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

P.S.  Rumor has it that M won first place in his age group at the 5K.

NaBloPoMo November 2013

Today’s joys:  The deep, rich blue of the November sky.  The little birds that flit around me while I’m walking through the woods.  A long hike in the woods.  Sore muscles from a good workout yesterday.  The brilliant hues of the foliage.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

22 thoughts on “No. 79

  1. When I first read the quote about “getting to” I thought to myself…”why that’s what we used to say when I was a runner!” Then I find that you are using in context with running and I smiled. Congratulations on your 5K PR! 🙂 🙂 🙂 My favorite photo is The Finish Line Isn’t Too Far Off. Love the color and the reference of the people in it as well. Congratulations as well to M for his first place! That is something that will never happen to me. Well. Maybe if I live to be 95 and am still running. Or have started running again by then.


    1. Thank you, Dawn. 🙂 I’ll pass on your congrats to M, but have to tell you… I think he may have been the only one in his age group participating. Hence, he came in first in his category/group. That will probably spur him on to greater races. I see a 10K in my future… 😉


    1. I’ve been wondering how cold the water is, Colline. The days have stayed pretty warm, and even some nights it doesn’t drop below 60 (F). Tonight is not one of those nights, however, and we have had a few frosty mornings so I imagine the water is cold. I’m just not sure how cold.


  2. I get to! That is going in my vocabulary! Thank you for that! I loved your photos, and was encouraged that you are a runner (walking and jogging). I am a new runner, a slow one at that, and love the fact that I am not alone in the way that I run races. 🙂
    Visiting via NaBloPoMo, and am looking forward to becoming a regular here.
    (Love your “Today’s Joys” and I may try to incorporate that into my blog, if that’s okay.)


    1. Thank you for stopping by, Julie! Isn’t NaBloPoMo fun? 🙂 I keep trying to be a runner, but always end up doing the walk-run thing. I might become a runner if I stopped reading the 5K training program and actually did it. lol! And yes, that’s perfectly okay if you want to incorporate “Today’s Joys.” It’s a great way to count your blessings. It’s something I usually do in my personal (handwritten) journal. I decided to try it out on the blog for the month of November, but I suspect it’s going to stick and be around long after that.


  3. Hi Robin. I love your comment about the buzzards circling. Proving we are not dead yet is as good motivation as any. This is such a good idea, I’d like to use it in a book someday! Jane


Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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