Posted in Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Family, Fire, Gifts, Grandparenthood, Gratitude, Home, Maryland, Photography, Playful, Quotes, Spirit, Travel, Walking & Wandering, Winter

You are here*

Along the Pathway to Peace which surrounds the National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C.
Along the Pathway to Peace which surrounds the National Christmas Tree in Washington, D.C.

Travel brings power and love back into your life.

~ Rumi

Hotel reflection.  (Lamp reflected in the desk table in our hotel room in Washington, D.C.)
Waiting. (Lamp reflected in the desk table in our hotel room in Washington, D.C. taken while I was waiting for everyone to arrive.)

Oh my.  What a whirlwind trip it’s been.  Lots of family, lots of fun, lots of walking, and far too much food.  But that’s okay.  Word has it that if you’re happy when you’re eating, the calories don’t count as much.

Headboard.  (Lighted headboard in our hotel room.  Color altered in Photoshop just because I'm home and can use Photoshop.)
Headboard. (Lighted headboard in our hotel room. Color altered in Photoshop just because I’m home and can use Photoshop.)

M and I made the trip home in two stages, stopping near Annapolis (Maryland) to spend the evening (and night) with friends.  I’m glad we did.  The weather through the mountains of Pennsylvania and western Maryland was on the wintry side.  The trees were covered in ice, and when we hit Maryland there was thick fog to go with it.  Fortunately the ice remained on the trees and road signs.  The roads themselves were fine.


M and I are getting settled back in.  It’s warm here on the Eastern Shore.  In the 70’s warm.  It won’t stay that way so we enjoyed what we could of this reminder of summer.

To the elevator and beyond!
To the elevator and beyond!  (Mother & daughters.)

I took FAR too many pictures and it might take a while to sort them all out.  I’ll share some along the way, but tonight you’ll have to settle for a few.

Daughter & father.
Daughter & father.

I’d better go pay some attention to Izzy and Bella (the cats) who are obviously happy that we’re home.  Thank you for visiting.  I’ll be making the rounds and getting caught up with you soon.  I hope your start to the new year has been merry and bright.  It was cloudy here, and there was no sunset to speak of, but for those following such things, sunset tonight was at 4:56 PM.  It won’t be long before the daylight stretches out beyond 5:00 PM.  Maybe tomorrow we can go out to the dock or to the Point and see what Mother Nature is up to these days.

Season's Greetings
Season’s Greetings from D.C.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂

I think this is the National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian American Art Museum.
I think this is the National Portrait Gallery/Smithsonian American Art Museum.

Today’s joys:  Breakfast with friends; good weather for traveling; coming home, safe and sound; spending time with the kitties; lots (LOTS!) of vegetables for dinner.

* Throughout our travels, we used the old-fashioned GPS system known as a map.  In D.C. we would look for (or ask the granddaughters to look for) the star with the words “You are here” so we could start from where we were and figure out where we might go from there.  It’s always good to start from where you are, don’t you think?


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

18 thoughts on “You are here*

    1. Thank you, Karma! 🙂 The photo in the header was a surprise. I didn’t realize I’d caught Maddy (youngest granddaughter) without a fake smile on her face. lol!


  1. Yes it’s always good to start from where you are. I was in DC at Christmas in 2009 for a wonderful week. Cold walking around, but what a beautiful place. Glad you had a good time!


  2. We had to use a map in Maine because the GPS was working so inconsistently! My daughter was frustrated and did not appreciate the point that it was how we used to navigate before GPS. It’s not THAT hard. I agree though that it’s best to start with where you are – literally and figuratively. How often we forget that though.



    1. I like maps, Nancy. We don’t have a GPS so I still rely on a map when I need to figure out where I’m going. I think there is an artistry to maps, and I especially like being able to see the bigger picture. 🙂


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