Posted in Earth, Eastern Shore, Fire, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Photography, Portals & Pathways, Quotes, Spirit, Summer, Walking & Wandering, Water

Care to take a walk?

Stepping out the back door.
Stepping out the back door.

Walking exercises the whole person.  It exercises the body — it gives the arms and legs a workout.  It stimulates the flow of blood; expands the lungs.  It is gentle and relaxing.  It exercises the mind — it shakes up the brain cells.  It fills them with oxygen; drives out the cobwebs.  A famous scientist says he does his best thinking on the two miles of sidewalk between his home and office.

Walking exercises the emotions.  It gives you a chance to observe and enjoy the world.  Open your eyes to beauty.  See the homes, the trees, the gardens.  See the shining faces of little children.  Listen for the church chimes, singing birds and the laughter of happy people.

~ Wilferd A. Peterson


Let’s take a walk, shall we?  You won’t see “the shining faces of little children,” and there won’t be any homes other than my own on our route, but you might here the chiming of the church bells or the laughter of happy people.

By step
By step

The Church in the Shire plays their bells every day at noon, and again at 6:00 pm.  The sound carries across the creek and the marshes, and floats around the Wabi-Sabi Ranch.  I like it that we occasionally have music drifting in with the breeze.

Along the driveway
Autumn comes

The weather has been lovely the past day or two.  Warm (still in the 80’s), but dry and breezy.  Don’t tell M I said so but, it doesn’t feel too bad out there.  I’ve been insisting for a long time that anything over 70 degrees is hot to me.  Turns out that’s not true.  After a summer filled with heat indices over 100, 80 is not so terrible after all.  M has been insisting that I’ll acclimate, and I’m not yet ready to concede that he was right.  (Oh okay, I’ll tell him!)

Signs of change
Signs of change

The mornings are different than they have been throughout the summer.  They are cooler, and heavy with dew.  I have to wear my boots when I go out in the early morning or my shoes and feet will end up soaked.

Morning Glory
Morning Glory

The meadows are changing.  The grasses are beginning to turn brown.  Goldenrod is blooming.  Morning Glories of various colors are twining in and out of the shrubs and plants.

The herald of morning
The heralds of morning

The asters are just starting to bloom.

A little sun in the meadow
A tiny sun in the meadow

There are more wasps and yellow jackets out and about.  I always associate them with autumn.  I know they’re around during the summer months, but we don’t see them nearly as often.  Or maybe it’s that I don’t pay as much attention to them.

Wasp on Goldenrod
Wasp on Goldenrod

You don’t have to gear-up for the insects on this walk.  The deer flies and mosquitoes are nowhere to be seen (or felt) right now.  I think that’s due to the lack of rain.  It could be the cooler mornings, as well.

Pretty in yellow
Pretty in yellow

Whatever the reason, it’s wonderful to have the freedom to walk around outside in regular clothing without the stink (to me, it stinks) of insect repellent.

The honeysuckle is blooming again.
The honeysuckle is blooming again.

Now that I think about it, I haven’t seen any ticks lately either.  Hooray for that!

Red-Spotted Purple butterfly
Red-Spotted Purple butterfly

You won’t have to look too hard to find a butterfly.  They’re dancing around in the meadows and the woods.

Spooning under the maple.
Spooning under the maple.

You won’t have to look too hard to find evidence of the former owners, either.  Little (and big) things show up in all sorts of places.  I ducked under this maple to enjoy the shade and there was the spoon, sunlight bouncing off the back of it.

Let's stop and smell the roses.
Let’s stop and smell the roses.

The roses have survived my attempts at pruning, and the Japanese beetles.

White rose
White rose

Now that we’ve walked around the meadows and the front yard a bit, let’s head out to the dock and have a seat.  The tide is coming in, the chimes from the church are ringing over the water, and every now and then you’ll see a turtle pop its head up above the water or see a fish swim by.

View from the dock
View from the dock

Thank you for stopping by, and keeping me company on another walk.  I’ve been thinking about hosting another group walk this fall.  If you’re interested, let me know.  (And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, see this post on my old blog.  Or this post.)  We’ll do it sometime in October (which is why it’s called Walktober) provided there’s enough interest.

Watching the clouds roll by.
Watching the clouds roll by.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

29 thoughts on “Care to take a walk?

  1. love the fluffy clouds, the sky always wins me over 🙂 hope i can come walking, we are away for the first 11 days of october … although of course i can walk in the rainforest up there …


  2. THANKS for taking me on your walk, today Friday afternoon, still here at work and having a bad day. You just made it brighter. And you have inspired me to take my own morning walk one day this weekend. AND of COURSE I would like to do a walk together in October!!


  3. Count me in for Walktober! I pressed the vote button, but I don’t know if your poll is closed now. I hope to find a new walk venue to present, so I’ll look around a bit this month. Love the purply-blue morning glory.


  4. I think you have more colorful leaves then I do … but, I can see them coming very soon. The yellow jackets are crazy here … the asters are alive with them and they are chasing the few remaining hummingbirds I have. (yes, they have begun to fly south already)


    1. We’re still seeing the hummingbirds here, Bearyweather. Or were as of yesterday. The leaves here seem to change just a tiny more every day, as if they’re changing in slow motion.


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