Posted in Autumn, Earth, Eastern Shore, Endings, Fire, Food, Home, Mindfulness, Photography, Renovations, Spirit, Water

Say goodbye

Before the soup pot
Before the soup pot.

Do a loony-goony dance
‘Cross the kitchen floor,
Put something silly in the world
That ain’t been there before.

~ Shel Silverstein, A Light in the Attic

Morning through the bay window
Mid-morning through the bay window in the kitchen.

This is the last weekend for cooking in the old kitchen and as such, I’m doing a lot of it in anticipation of things to come.

The remaining shelves and appliances will be gone soon.
The remaining shelves and appliances will be gone soon.  Goodbye, Old Kitchen.

Yesterday I baked a pumpkin in preparation for making a Thai-style pumpkin soup.  Today I have apples for apple chips drying in the oven, and I made a big pot of vegetable stock to use in the pumpkin soup.  I also needed the stock for a butternut squash soup which I cooked this afternoon and will freeze for us to eat during the remodel.  Tomorrow the pumpkin that doesn’t go into the soup will be part of a Pumpkin Molé Sauce.  I’ll freeze that, too.  We’ll be eating the pumpkin soup for dinner tonight.

Goodbye, Mural.
Goodbye, Mural.  (Ignore the wallpaper border.  It will be hidden behind the new cabinets.)

It sure smells good around here.  It smell like autumn with the scents of pumpkin and squashes and spices floating through the air.  They are good scents to have around.

Another frost
Another frosty morning

In case you’re wondering, the mural on the kitchen wall will not be saved.  We gave it a great deal of thought.  The determining factor was the grease.  The previous owners must have done a lot of frying of their foods.  The kitchen, especially around the stove, was like a big grease trap.  The few counters and shelves we had were sticky with old grease.  There is no way to clean the mural without scrubbing the paint off, and it has to be cleaned.  Eventually we’ll put up a slate and glass backsplash, but for now, we’ll clean it and paint over it.  If you’ve ever smelled rancid grease, you’ll know why cleaning it is so important.

Green and morning bright
Green and morning bright

I’m off to do a “loony-goony” dance, although it will be outside.  I can do one “‘cross the kitchen floor” later.  The day is too pretty to spend it all inside.  We woke up to more frost this morning, but that should be it for a while.  Warmer weather is on the way.  I might even get in another beach day soon.

Thank you for visiting.  Now that moon is waning, the stars are amazing here at night.  Let’s go sit on the deck later and watch them twinkle in the sky.  You’ll even catch a glimpse of the Milky Way.

Meadow melody
Meadow melody

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

30 thoughts on “Say goodbye

  1. I love the view from your kitchen window. When you have finished renovating the kitchen I am sure you will spend plenty of time there with a view like that.


    1. I like the mural, too, Kathy. I’m sorry to have to cover it up. I’m sure it took a lot of time, patience, and work to paint it. Ah well. It will still be there, and others are probably carrying it around in their memories. 🙂


  2. Wow, to look out at that every morning would be a great start to any day! The smell of old grease — mmmmmm! Gag, I don’t blame you for your decision. I’m looking forward to seeing how your remodel turns out! It will probably look like a different kitchen. The face on the squash is cute, and I bet your kitchen smelled heavenly while all that was cooking!


    1. Thank you, Becky. 🙂 For the longest time (or so it seems), I couldn’t figure out where the “off” smell in the house was coming from, but now that the grease in the kitchen is cleaned up, it’s gone and I know what caused it.


  3. You have lovely light in your kitchen – I hope that window, or one very similar, remains part of the new kitchen! Was apple bread part of your frenzy of cooking? 😉


    1. I wish the apple bread had been part of the cooking frenzy, Karma! Alas, the recipe calls for sifting flour and loaf pans. I have no idea where my sifter or loaf pans are located. That’s not entirely true. I know they are still in boxes. We have not done a lot of unpacking, knowing that every room is going to need work of some kind. As for the kitchen window, it was the inspiration for what we’re doing in the kitchen and as such, will stay almost as is. I was going to skip painting the woodwork since the color is so close to the sage green of the new cabinets, but on closer examination (and with fresh paint on the walls around the window), I think we’ll have to paint it eventually. I thought leaving them as is would be in line with the rustic look, but they look dirty instead of rustic/distressed. Hmmm… a bit of an oxymoron there, maybe.


      1. I don’t think I’ve ever sifted when a recipe calls for it, lol! I use a whisk on the dry ingredients once they’re in the bowl and let that pass for “sifting”!


    1. Thank you, Dawn. 🙂 I’m not sure if I deserve it, but I sure am looking forward to it. It will be nice to have a real kitchen. I suspect Mrs. B (one of the former owners) didn’t do much cooking in that kitchen.


  4. The tiled mural is just lovely, but apart from the grease, why would anyone place a power point right in the middle of it?! You won’t know yourself when you have your new kitchen Robin and think of the fun you will have unpacking all of those stored boxes. 🙂


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