Posted in A bit of history, Aging, Beginnings, Change, Covid-19, Death, Earth, Eastern Shore, Exploring, Family, Gifts, Grandparenthood, Gratitude, Health & Well-Being, Heartfulness, Hiking, Home, In these strange times, Life, Listening, Little Peanut, Little Wookie, Love, Maryland, Mindfulness, Nature, Ohio, Photography, Portals & Pathways, Quotes, Spirit, Spiritual practices, Spring, The Bogs

A Monday meander: A change in scenery

A sunrise in the Bogs (NE Ohio).

We can no longer hear the voice of the rivers, the mountains, or the sea. The trees and meadows are no longer intimate modes of spirit presence. The world about us has become an ‘it’ rather than a ‘thou.’

~ Thomas Berry

What is needed is a new pattern of rapport with the planet. Here we come to the critical transformation needed in the emotional, aesthetic, spiritual, and religious orders of life. Only a change that profound in human consciousness can remedy the deep cultural pathology manifest in such destructive behavior. Such change is not possible, however, so long as we fail to appreciate the planet that provides us with a world abundant in the volume and variety of food for our nourishment, a world exquisite in supplying beauty of form, sweetness of taste, delicate fragrances for our enjoyment, and exciting challenges for us to overcome with skill and action. The poets and artists can help restore this sense of rapport with the natural world. It is this renewed sense of reciprocity with nature, in all of its complexity and remarkable beauty, that can help provide the psychic and spiritual energies necessary for the work ahead.

~ Thomas Berry, The Sacred Universe

A walk along the river (Cuyahoga) trail in Kent, Ohio, where spring hasn’t quite sprung just yet.

I don’t entirely agree with the first quote from Thomas Berry.  I think there are many people who hear the voices of rivers, mountains, trees, birds, meadows, and the sea.  There are many people who take the time to listen to the voices of the earth and her other-than-human beings.  Not only do they listen but, after a time, they find ways to interact with the land and water and air, and the others who live in these realms.  I think there are more and more people taking the time to listen, who are teaching their children and grandchildren to listen, and that gives me a sliver of hope for the future.

But there was a beginning.

As you might have guessed from the opening photos, I’ve spent some time in NE Ohio again visiting with family.  It was spring break for the boys, and we packed the days we were there with plenty of activities.  Hikes, an early Easter celebration, an early birthday celebration (the Little Wookie’s birthday is tomorrow and he will be 6 years old), and plenty of rainy day activities since it tends to be rainy this time of year.

Driving into winter. (Taken from the truck on our way out to NE Ohio.)

Our trip out was an adventure in weather.  We started with light rain, ran into some sunshine and warm temperatures (almost 80 degrees F) in time for a picnic lunch, light rain in the mountains of Maryland, on and off heavier rain in the mountains of Pennsylvania, and then we went through the Tunnel That Leads to Winter on the Pennsylvania turnpike.  It’s the tunnel before Somerset when you’re heading west, and it seems like there is always an abrupt change from one side of the tunnel to the other.  On this journey, the temperature eventually dropped into the 30’s and we went from rain to sleet to snow to hail before we left Pennsylvania and entered Ohio.

Reflections and signs of spring.

It seems the people of Pennsylvania and Ohio have decided the pandemic is over.  I think I saw one person (other than us) wearing a mask throughout the trip.  Who can blame them?  We’re all tired of it.  I feel the same way, and there have been many moments recently when I thought I should just get it over with.  Be exposed, get sick, and whatever happens, happens.  As luck would have it, I did win a virus lottery.  I have something that started with a seriously sore throat, a stuffy nose, and has developed into body aches, a slight cough, and utter exhaustion.  I haven’t yet tested because I am not going anywhere while I’m sick.  I won’t be exposing anyone except for M who has already been exposed somewhere along the way anyhow.  He’s fine, by the way.  Healthy as a horse.  (Isn’t that an odd saying?  I think it is.  All horses are not always healthy, all of the time.)  If for some reason I have to go out, I still wear a mask.  (And, in case it needs to be said, did wear a mask when we were out and about in public.  The boys were a bit sniffly — as kids that age tend to be this time of year — and I suspect I caught a cold from one of them.)

Brothers, conspiring.

Two of our hikes during this trip were urban hikes in Kent and Akron.  The boys enjoyed the tunnels, the river, and walking along the towpath and canal in Akron.  I think they liked that almost as much as being in wooded, more natural areas.  Spring is taking its time in NE Ohio, but that is true here on the Eastern Shore, too.  We’re ahead of them, but it’s been a gradual unfurling of buds and blossoms instead of a rush to summer.  The temperature when we returned home on Thursday was 86 degrees.  We were ahead of a cold front that reduced our highs into the 50’s now (lows in the 40’s).

A path.

It feels so trivial to be going on and on about weather given all that is happening in this country and in the world.  A glance at the news this morning was more than enough.  Perhaps later I’ll read some of the articles (we subscribe to the Washington Post).  I did skim through an interesting opinion piece that claims 40 percent of Americans now identify as independent rather than affiliating with a party.  I’m in that category lately.  While I would never vote Republican again (it’s happened, rarely, in the past), I am not happy with the Democrats, either.  They appear to squander their opportunities, and I’ve yet to see them intelligently counter the misinformation being loudly broadcast by the extremists on the other side.  It looks like a head-in-the-sand approach.  I am not sure it works.  You’ll have to pardon my pessimism.  We did turn on the TV at night while in Ohio and the political ads were horrible.  The Republican candidates are competing with each other to see who is the craziest, nuttiest, worst possible candidate imaginable.  One candidate goes on about how he stands for God, guns, and that guy that can’t believe he was voted out of the White House.  Who “stands for” guns (never mind that guy)?

Alas for him, it did him no good.  The Big Lie guy decided to endorse the celebrity (writer) rather than the God and guns guy.  Someday I should write a book review about that writer guy’s book.  I regret to say I read it (and watched the movie based on it).  I thought it was a terrible book.  I base that on knowing the area he writes about, and on how he wrote about it.  Tremendous waste of time and money.

A turbulent river.

It’s not that I lack hope or don’t see some good possibilities emerging.  But I do wonder if we’re like addicts in that we haven’t yet hit a bottom that is far enough down, bleak enough, to require some action on our part.  Or, to put it another way, the pendulum still hasn’t swung quite far enough for it to begin its swing back.  Many of us can see where that is leading, but not many of us know what to do about it.  Maybe because we lack the experience in dealing with this kind of threat.

Looking through the tunnel at the emergence of spring.

In other news, before the trip to NE Ohio I was graced with some time (four days!) alone.  M was in Philadelphia (a city of great smarts when it comes to enacting mask requirements BEFORE things get out of control, in spite of the criticism coming from those who should know better by now) for a conference.  It was the first time since before the pandemic that I’ve had that much time alone.  I used the days as a kind of retreat.  I did a lot of reading, writing, drawing and painting, walking, meditating, and yoga practice.  I avoided the news.  One of the things that emerged was an interest in learning how to keen.  A definition, from the Online Etymology Dictionary:

keen (v.)
“lament loudly over the dead, bitterly wail,” 1811, from Irish caoinim “I weep, wail, lament,” from Old Irish coinim “I wail.” Hence “to utter in a shrill voice” (1893). Related: Keened; keener; keening. As a noun from 1830.

It is, as you can see, a traditional form of expressing grief or sorrow, usually for the dead.  Did you know that there are keening songs?  I didn’t, but then, I don’t know as much about my lineage as I should due to assimilation and homogenization.  Keening songs are repetitious in nature, with just a few basic lines that can be shortened or lengthened depending on the singer and what the times and feeling dictate.  Here are a couple of videos:

A view from the other side.

Keening — or wailing and singing in lamentation — is not limited to the Irish and Scots, of course.  Other cultures have their own forms of it.  At one time Sir Walter Scott compared Gaelic keening to the ululations of the Romans, and (according to Wikipedia) the “Irish word caoine or cine is cognate with the Hebrew cina, a lament involving the clapping of hands, which could suggest an ancient link between the two traditions.”

I’d like to look into my Eastern European (mostly Polish) roots, too, when it comes to grief, mourning, and lamentations.  As I write this, I wonder if this is a natural progression from the course about death I took last year.

Time to head home.

Speaking of writing and as I write this, it’s morning here as I type.  I like to write in the mornings.  Words and thoughts flow more easily.  There are storms coming this afternoon and I’d like to get outside before that happens.  I can come back and fix what needs fixing in this post later.  Perhaps brighten it up a bit.  That’s another reason to write in the morning.  It gives me time throughout the day to edit before scheduling it to post in the afternoon.

Thank you so much for visiting with me today.  I will be back soon with something lighter and more springlike.  In the meantime, if it’s not already storming, join me out at the Point for sunset this evening.  It’s scheduled for 7:42 PM.  In the event of rain, let’s try again tomorrow.

Please be safe, be well, and be heartful(l).

A glimpse of what spring looks like here, now. It’s loblolly pine pollen season and everything is coated in yellow.

A few of the 10,000 reasons to be happy:  1,986)  Time with family in the Bogs.  1,987)  Safe travels, in spite of weather and crazy drivers.  1,988)  The privilege of being able to rest and recuperate when I’m sick.  1,989)  The beauty of keening songs.  1,990)  Beginnings, new growth, the resurrection of the land in spring.

Resting in the light, a self-portrait.


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

27 thoughts on “A Monday meander: A change in scenery

  1. Welcome back for your Ohio time. Yes, the only thing wackier than the ads are the candidates themselves. At my end of the state, we have been seeing one candidates ads since September! Then again, my state is loaded with wackos in the statehouse. On the plus side and more importantly, I’m sure you had a wonderful time visiting family. For me, the first two and last two images are my fav. Keep smiling!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Frank. 🙂 Since September!?? Ugh. You’ve got some crazy candidates in Ohio, that’s for sure. I suppose we probably have some here, too, although Maryland is a mostly blue state. You keep smiling, too. (It might be the best way to deal with the political mess.) 😀


  2. Can’t wait to spend time together. Thank you for your insightful blogs. This fine was a bit melancholy but I share your political-party despair. G was always registered independent but changed in 2016 so he could vote in the primary.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, things are whacky. But in a two-party system there really isn’t much choice. Sigh. Hope you feel better soon. And how lovely it is that you were able to visit your grandchildren. Happy birthday to Little Wookie! Six is such a sweet age.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Laurie. 🙂 Six is indeed a sweet age. I keep hoping someone will manage to create a strong third party so we can all defect from the two parties that currently exist. Andrew Yang is trying with his Forward Party. I have been meaning to look into it. Maybe I’ll do that today.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Right now, our system is just not designed for third parties, which always serve as spoilers. Hard to envision this ever changing, but as the saying goes, hope springs ever eternal.


  4. I’m glad you got to see your family, but it’s too bad you’re not feeling well. I think the weather is crazy all over. I was out walking in a tank top the other day, and we had to turn the heat back on this morning!
    So many crazy, awful candidates–and people just spewing lies. I’m sure we’ll hear more about Hunter Biden’s laptop, while Kushner accepting bribes for sharing classified information gets ignored.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Merril. 🙂 Yes, it’s been a crazy spring everywhere this year. I couldn’t believe it was 86 degrees already when we arrived home on Thursday. Big change since then. It’s very chilly out there today.
      Unfortunately, you’re probably right about Hunter Biden’s laptop and Kushner getting ignored. It makes me wonder if those who don’t like the media are truly right about it.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Glad you made it up to see the littles again. Though I suppose they’re not all so little anymore. And glad you had some days alone. I enjoy those so much. I don’t know why they are that different, because I don’t do a whole lot together with Bruce when he’s here. But they are different knowing you don’t have to do anything by any certain time. Like cook. Sometimes that’s why I go camping! Just to have some time to myself.

    On another note, the night photography class I’m taking just did a critique of images..and one of them was out at the shore, in the park that starts with A that I can’t pronounce. So it’s definitely dark out there! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s easy to pronounce, Dawn. Ass + a + teague (although the polite way is: as-uh-teeg).

      Not having to cook or worry about someone else was a nice change of pace. I can see why you go camping on your own. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Masks have all but disappeared here too. I am just waiting for the spike in Covid, which is inevitable. As for our horrendous political ads, they are unavoidable. I even had the pleasure of meeting one of these wackos when she came to the door campaigning. She was a piece of work, complaining about the GOP, the side she is supposedly on. So much for loyalty.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I am waiting for the spike, too, Ally. Problem is, they are not keeping track of things like they were now that the CDC changed the metrics. It’s almost as crazy as the politicians. I did notice that our local health department is once again advertising that they’re doing testing again. That signals to me that there must be a need for it. As for loyalty, I’m not sure there is much of that left in the political world these days. Or the corporate world.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Perhaps we should keen for our political system, which seems to be on its death bed. Like you, I have voted Republican – many many years ago, and not very often, but despite being registered as a Democrat (yes, those primaries), I’m leaning more and more towards Independent too. Although I’m not entirely sure it matters, because whoever is president won’t be able to really do much because the other party will spend its time blocking anything meaningful.
    On a happier note, I always enjoy your photos. I think today the last one is my favorite.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Carol. 🙂 I agree. We should be keening for our political system. Maybe for the country as a whole. The path we’re headed down isn’t looking too good.

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  8. So grand that you got a nice visit with the wee ones (Happy Birthday to Little Wookie!). It doesn’t look like Ohio is any closer to Spring than Illinois is. And if this is a typical year, we’ll bound from this late Winter stuff right into Summer. Oh well, that’s another of the many things we can’t control, huh? As for the masks — practically nobody is wearing them here anymore. And they’re gathering like mad, sniffling/sneezing, and loading up the Urgent Care clinics. Sure, we’re tired of this pandemic, but that doesn’t mean it’s tired of us.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Debbie. 🙂 That’s usually the way of it here — two days of Spring followed by months of Summer. It’s been a delightfully slow spring this year and I’m savoring every moment of it.

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  9. It’s good to be able to get outside as nature wakes…even with the pollen (which has been terrible this year)
    Masks? Totally up to each their own situation and belief system. With so many vaxed, boosted, recovered, yet still getting sick again. Just have to live with it and hope it’s mild. Few getting hospitalized here now with originals or the variants. So that’s good news. We’ll just have learn to live and manage it – and be considerate and stay home if ill…of course consideration may be MIA.
    I think so many children have been damaged through overload of COVID news and masking so they can’t learn to read faces, social skills, and clear speech – it’s good to get them all outside. Nature heals so much
    Sounds like a lovely trip. Hope you feel better and are able to enjoy this spring free and wild!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, PhilosopherMouse. 🙂

      Yes, consideration seems to be MIA in some cases. It’s strange to me that wearing a mask has become such a divisive issue, that somehow wearing a mask and protecting others is the worst thing about the pandemic for some people. How can that be worse than nearly a million dead? Or all those who will be disabled due to Long Covid? Let’s never-mind those who most need protection (the under 5’s, the immunocompromised). To each his own, rugged individualism is the American way, and all that. It makes us look terribly selfish as a nation.

      We do need to learn how to live with it, but we also need to learn how to live with and take care of each other. The kids I know have fared just fine with the wearing of masks. Kids are pretty adaptable. I think it’s the lines in the sand that the adults have drawn — between those who want to make sure everyone is safe and those who demand that their individual rights are more important than someone else’s health — that make it harder on them. Alas, there is nothing new here. History seems to show that every pandemic has brought about this kind of division.

      And yes to nature. It does heal so much. Even with all this pollen in the air! I might need a mask for that. 😀


      1. Science says ( as does Fauci) Masks really don’t protect others – they protect the wearer – if it’s the right mask worn properly. ) Evidence/data is showing even then triple vaxed boosted people may spread Covid.
        Everyone at risk should remember that
        Many with all shots + posters are still getting COVID (locally it becoming more and more a disease of the completely vaccinated or those who had the virus – troublesome)
        We both are immune compromised here. And as stated from the beginning the most vulnerable are the aged, the immune compromised, transplant patients, the obese, thyroid issues,cardiac, cancer, and those with serious life long illnesses – and those who do not take basic care of themselves and their health. The children who got sick – the first child to die here was extremely obese , and had a immune issues from her disease – she caught COVID in hospital – news media seems to forget to include all the data sometimes.
        It appears there may even be genetic DNA connection for susptibility ( Research emerging – appears to be European heritage)
        I know people who died from COVID. It is a terrible disease and we do not know the long term effects of COVID, the variants, or the vaccines. (Research emerging on how many under 40 dying from COVID related/vaccine related cardiac issues – these are young athletes like tennis players, track stars – and airline pilots)
        My parents live through the 1912 pandemic – I’ve heard the stories from ancient relatives when I was young. It came, it killed, it left.
        There wasn’t any real hate/division in their community, just sorrow – and concern whether it was “Christian” or safe to go help a family who was sick and needed tending…my family did – neighbors would have died without help when the entire family got sick. Of course they were farmers in aa dogtrot house in a very rural area – when it was still followed that you always helped your neighbor ’cause next time it might be you that needed help.
        Nature is in control here – as Fauci says “maybe Omicron was a gift – it is mild but appears to give a good bit of protection from other variates” We’d better hope that is true as winter arrives and people are stuck indoors.
        The important thing is each person has to measure their risk.
        (Even each day you do that when you step outside the door – there are so many things that can end life) Most of the EU threw away mask long before the US did ( Check the data)
        At this point, it’s probably best to just take care of yourself and yours – do what works – and ignore what others do. You are not their doctor or mother. HAHA.
        Glad your little are doing well with masks – if you actually read, most pediatricians and child development experts, child psychologist, and speech therapist are sound alarms not only about the dangers of masks for these healthy kids ( who are not at risk of severe illness) Please. Look at the suicide rates over the past 2 years.
        Just live and let live. Agree to disagree and still be friends.
        Mask – yep – especially with the extreme pollen – or crowds, but I’m ok if others don’t.
        Ing in there, kid! Go, Earth Day! (and maybe remember what it means all year long with luck?)

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Always, always agree to disagree and still be friends. 🙂

          There are always differing opinions, even among the scientists (I’m married to one). There are several really good peer reviewed studies out showing that masks help the wearer and those around them. You can also see that in the numbers in countries where people are not so fussed about wearing them. The same with how it affects children. It’s the adults who do the conditioning of the children with their attitudes. A 6-year-old I know who was fine wearing a mask for over a year (and remember, it was only at school, while indoors — the kids take them off at home and outdoors) suddenly decided he didn’t want to wear the mask, echoing something a friend had told him. His friend heard his mother going on about how masks are bad for one’s health and that you can’t breathe in them. So, this 6-year-old who was fine with wearing a mask suddenly starts saying he can’t breathe when he’s wearing it but what he’s really doing is responding to peer pressure from a fellow student whose mother is anti-mask.

          Suicide rates in kids were going up (60%) prior to the pandemic and coincidentally dovetail with the increased use of social media. Since the start of the pandemic, services that supported children with mental health issues were not available because they were suspended or cancelled. Because the kids were not in school (masked or unmasked) for a big chunk of the first year of the pandemic, at-risk kids were not being identified by teachers or school counselors who might see them often enough to suggest a child might need some help (and see what a parent might not see or might shrug off). The reasons are so complicated that I don’t think it’s fair to pin it entirely on the pandemic although I know it is certainly a factor. However, social isolation during that first year and deaths of family members or friends probably contributed greatly. Had we adopted masks from the beginning without all the fuss surrounding them, the kids might have been able to continue in school with less trauma and mental anguish. Also, many teens and pre-teens are feeling a sense of hopelessness when it comes to things like climate change (a big study came out about that recently), democracy, the general state of the world, etc.

          Lots of history out there regarding protests and lack of cooperation during pandemics. There were at least 7 cholera outbreaks during the 1800’s that led to at least 70 riots. The Black Death in 1348 brought about political tensions, neighbors turning on each other, people protesting their right to work, people refusing to quarantine, etc. The historians have been out there saying that plague/pandemics and protests (and conspiracy theories) go hand in hand. That’s not to say there aren’t people who do cooperate and try to do what is best for all, but it’s the noisy who get all the attention (even — maybe especially — among the historians). My grandmother lived through the 1918 pandemic and I highly doubt she was very cooperative or cared much about the safety and health of her neighbors. She wasn’t very sympathetic or empathetic when it came to the plight of others or humanity in general. Neither was her father, from what she told me of him. They were the type of Christians who fend for themselves and expect others to do the same (unless, of course, there was something in it for them). Lots of that type in this world.

          At any rate, people will be who they are and do what they do. Live and let live, as you wrote, and hope that someday we truly learn how to “love thy neighbor.” This long response is more about showing how easy it is to find what props up our beliefs and opinions then it is about any absolute truth. And… I have to admit that I do enjoy a good debate. 😀

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          1. It is what it is. sad but the noisy do grab all the attention. While I hate broad generalizations, most people seem to have some level of common sense and if they aren’t kind, they just leave others along – but the hyper-emotion and hysteria of the past two years is making everyone a little wobbly.
            Sad how some families fill their kids with negativity which only leads to anger and unhappiness
            A 6 year old in a mask ( who is quite capable of wearing properly) is not the big worry (except for development of social skills and emotional stability…and overheating during sports with breathing hindered by damp masks – but outdoors is a different situation). The concern is for the 1-4 year olds who, like dogs, do not have language developed and use facial responses and body language to figure out what is going on, what people are saying, and how to respond. THoe kids are scarred – few ever at risk of getting sick IF the parent is watching for symptoms and heads to hospital/doc as littles get so sick so fast, that is dangerous. Here several respiratory viruses were tagging in and some ordinary flu and those combinations must be seen quickly.
            With docs in family, friends in 2 large med center crisis teams, and a couple of infectious disease immunologists, we are kept pretty much up to date. I myself work in research with 2 university think tanks which dealt with how the brain acquires knowledge, language acquisition/multilingualism affecting brain development/ autism and brain traumatic. Fascinating – both the data and how little we know – and how it can change in a flash. My friends in the field keep in touch – sometimes they still want a bit of a different perspective as when you are too close/involved you can unconsciously make connections or draw conclusions that are missing something obvious to someone not up to their ears in it
            Right after New Years – 2020 we got an email from a “young” doc who had moved to Northern Italy to help his parents care for his grandparents. In plain words he said “Go no and grab all the 95 masks you can, stock supplies enough for a month at least, and stay away from people. We’ve got a terrible disease here – we don’t know what it is or how to treat is. It is appearing among the garment workers who come here from China to work in the garment factories. It is killing. Shortly we will have to decide who will live and who will be left to die as med supplies and equipment are running out. Tell your family – and stay away from people until we know what we have. This could be the end of human civilization – it’s that bad.” We contacted our infectious disease experts who said “There’s something, we’re evaluating” The next day one call and said “It’s real. Get supplies and stay isolated if you can.”
            Sounded like a science fiction movie, but it was real
            Now, with better understanding and treatment, we are learning how to live with it…but another will show up no doubt.
            Nature cleans house periodically and we are such frail small unimportant thing in the whole.
            Always enjoy your posts (not always have time to comment)
            Stay safe Stay sane. Ands most of all stay brave. Hasta later

            Liked by 1 person

  10. We haven’t seen very many people wearing masks in our area since last May–almost a year ago. A few people wear them here and there. There have been zero cases in our county the last couple of weeks but who knows whether the new variant will cause a spike in cases. I personally have a lot of faith in the vaccines and boosters–not to prevent the virus, but to mostly prevent severe cases. We are getting on a plane and going to New Jersey to visit our son so that should be interesting with the mask mandates being lifted. Glad to hear you were able to visit your grandkids–and I am sure hoping your virus may have cleared up by now. Many blessings!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, Kathy. 🙂 I have faith in the vaccines and boosters, too. We’ve been debating about the next booster. Get it now? Wait until the fall? Lots of good reasons to go either way. Have a wonderful trip to New Jersey and visit with your son! I need to get to New Jersey sometime soon to see my father. (I grew up in south central NJ.)


Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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