Posted in Air, Autumn, Blogging Break, Earth, Family, Food, Gifts, Goals, Gratitude, Home, Nature, Photography, Quotes, Sky, Spirit, Walking & Wandering, Water, Weather

8. Not a wordless Wednesday

Before the nor'easter rolled in.
Before the nor’easter rolled in.

A change in the weather is sufficient to recreate the world and ourselves.

~ Marcel Proust

Shades of blue
Shades of blue

Normally this would be a Wordless Wednesday post, but I have this hodgepodge of images left over from the past few days, and I have this hodgepodge of thoughts to go with them.  The images are easy.  Just upload and post.  The thoughts?  It might be difficult to fuse them into something coherent.  Add to that a spotty internet connection, and who knows?  I might end up going Wordless Wednesday after all.

Cracks in the clouds.
Cracks in the clouds.

There is a nor’easter rolling and blowing pretty much right over us now.  The rain has been coming down in sheets.  That’s why my internet connection is spotty.  The satellite doesn’t work well through thick clouds and heavy rain.

Some folks north and west of us are getting snow, the lucky ducks.  It will be all wind and rain for us.  It’s too warm for snow.  That’s not to say it’s warm.  It’s cold and damp, my least favorite combination when it comes to winter weather.  However, I am glad we’re not getting snow this time around because M and I will be traveling soon.


I did something spontaneous this morning.  I had an appointment to get my hair cut, and it was so quiet in the salon that I asked my stylist if she would have time to add some streaks of color to my hair.  She asked what I had in mind, and I said, “Oh, just a few streaks of turquoise or maybe a bright pink.”  She clapped her hands and replied, “I love doing spur of the moment things!” and we were off and running.  She mixed together a peacock green and a blue to come up with a beautiful shade of turquoise, and twisted in a few streaks of bright pink.  I love it.  It’s subtle (as A put it, I won’t have to worry about walking into a room and having everyone say, “She’s got BLUE HAIR!”).  The colors are woven underneath the long strips of hair that form the front of my inverted bob hairstyle, peaking through my normal hair, and because my natural hair color is not one color but many, the turquoise came out in various shades of blue.  When the pink sits next to the blues, it sometimes looks purple.

Barnacles.  (They remind me of eggshells.)
Barnacles. (They remind me of eggshells.)

I don’t practice spontaneity often enough.  I’m glad I did it because it has encouraged me to add more spontaneity to my life.  Which doesn’t make sense now that I think about it because you can’t plan spontaneity.  But I suspect you know what I mean.  Right?

Through spontaneity we are re-formed into ourselves.

~ Viola Spolin, Improvisation for the Theater

Berries in the thicket.
Berried in the thicket.

I am also feeling encouraged to do something I’ve threatened to do for years, but couldn’t work up the nerve to do.  A the Stylist has said she can give me the rainbow color hair I’d like to have without going overboard.  Little streaks and highlights throughout rather than an in-your-face (or on-your-head) explosion of bright colors.  I made an appointment with her next month to do just that.  It will either get it out of my system or I’ll like it so much I’ll keep it that way.

Phragmite ribbons.
Phragmite ribbons.

I mentioned earlier that M and I are getting ready to travel.  Our housesitter will be here early tomorrow, and we will head north to spend time with my family.  I’m looking forward to seeing Dad and the rest of the clan again.  It is a wonderful thing to be close enough to be able to spend Thanksgiving with my family.  When we were kids, my brothers and I all promised we’d get together every Thanksgiving (I don’t think my sister was old enough to be making promises at that time, which is interesting because she’s been hosting Thanksgiving dinner at her house for the past several years).  Life and distance and work and schedules got in the way, and for many years it didn’t happen for me.  I like that I can finally follow through on a childhood promise.

Because I’ll be with family, I will be taking a short break from blogging.  I’ll see you again in a couple of days (unless I’m enjoying the break so much I decide to extend it).

On the shore.
On the shore.

I’d better get this posted while the gettin’ is good.  Thank you for dropping in on this blustery, chilly, rainy day.  No sunset for us this evening.  Oh, it will set, but we won’t be able to see it.  We could sit on the porch for a little while and watch the rain.  It’s enclosed so we won’t get wet or cold although a jacket or sweatshirt would probably be a good idea since the porch isn’t heated.  Let’s meet out there for tea or hot chocolate before it grows too dark to see.  The loblolly pines look pretty in the wind and rain.  I think you’ll enjoy watching them sway and dance.

Standing near the edge.
Standing near the edge.

Be good, be kind, be loving.  Just Be.  🙂  Wishing those of you celebrating it a joyful Thanksgiving!

Sunset beauty.
Sunset beauty.

Today’s joys:  Spending a little time watching the rain as it swoops and swirls in the gusty winds; enthusiasm and spur of the moment things; beautiful colors streaking through my hair; delicious, nutritious, warming soup for lunch; the last “share” of the season from our CSA (more about that in a future post, if I remember).

I love the way the marsh grasses "catch fire" with the light from the setting sun.
I love the way the marsh grasses “catch fire” with the light from the setting sun.





Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

13 thoughts on “8. Not a wordless Wednesday

  1. We are gray today with fog. It’s lifted here, but going into and coming back from town, it’s nearly zero visibility around the lake. I wish you safe travels and a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.


  2. Perhaps you’ve given me the courage to do exactly what you did. I’ve been wanting to, but have held back for some unknown reason. Best not think about it too much. Wishing you safe travels and a happy visit with your family.


  3. This was a perfect moment to take another of those self portraits and reveal the beautiful colours through your hair! And now you are taking some time away from blogging – oh cruel!

    But really, have a wonderful break, do some more totally abandoned spontaneous things and have fun. I’ll understand if you decide to stay away a while 🙂


  4. Happy Thanksgiving Robin!!! Safe Travels!

    It makes complete sense to me that you have colors in your hair. Of course, the only face to face I had with you involved color flying through the air!!!! 🙂


Comments are delightful and always appreciated. I will respond when I can (life is keeping me busy!), and/or come around to visit you at your place soon. Thank you!

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