Posted in Air, Change, Critters, Earth, Fire, Mindfulness, Nature, Ohio, Photography, Pond, Quotes, Spirit, Spring, Walking & Wandering, Water

Just another Monday

It started with snow
It started with snow

Monday is the day of silence, day of the whole white mung bean, which is sacred to the moon.

~ Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, The Mistress of Spices

But then it cleared up and the sun came out
But then it cleared up and the sun came out

Did you know that the ancients (which ancients?  I’m not sure) considered three Mondays of the year to be unlucky?  The first Monday in April was one of them.  (The second Monday in August and the last in December are the other two.)

On the hunt
On the hunt

I have to disagree with the ancients.  I’ve found this first Monday in April to be quite an auspicious day.  I had a lovely walk early this afternoon, and I was fortunate enough to share a little of my day with a beautiful red fox.

On the move
On the move

The first of April, some do say
Is set apart for All Fools Day
But why the people call it so
Not I, nor they themselves do know.

Off to explore
Off to explore

I’m afraid my photos of the fox are not all that great.  S/he was moving almost constantly and there is some truth to the phrase “quick as a fox.”  The Celts, in case you’re interested, believed the fox to be a guide, and they honored it for its wisdom.  Some Native American tribes also saw the fox as representing wisdom and as a messenger, but other tribes believed it was a trickster.

Blue waves on the pond
Blue waves on the pond

What about Monday?  That could be our one day we look at things the same way, and wear funny shoes.

~ Kevin Dalton

The maples are flowering
The maples are flowering

I like that idea.  Especially the part about wearing funny shoes.

Beautiful blossoms hanging in a beautiful sky
Beautiful blossoms hanging in a beautiful sky

The muskrat was out and about, swimming around near the back of the pond.

March 2013 029a

The muskrat is known for its adaptability, its ability to reuse what others discard, and it is said to represent the ability to swim through emotional waters in order to return home.  I like that idea, of returning home, because home has become a subject I’ve been pondering a lot lately.  Home and sense of place.

The Mallards
The Mallards

And finally, the duck is the spirit helper of mystics and seekers, providing water energy that helps one see clearly through emotions.

Today’s walk was a little like a stroll through the Medicine Cards.

I know you've seen this a few times before.  I've been watching it grow.
I know you’ve seen this a few times before. I’ve been watching it grow.

Or maybe it was just another walk on just another Monday.

Thank you so much for joining me for a Monday meander around the pond.  I think we might have a good sunset tonight.  There seem to be enough clouds to create some dramatic color without blocking everything out.  Let’s meet on the deck (sunset is scheduled for 7:50 pm) in our funny shoes, and try to look at things the same way.  Just for today.

By the cattails
By the cattails

Have a delightful day, evening, night… wherever and whenever you are on the spectrum of time.  🙂


Robin is... too many things to list, but here is a start: an artist and writer; a photographer and saunterer; a daughter and sister and granddaughter; a friend, a partner, a wife, a mother, and a grandmother; a gardener, a great and imaginative cook, and the creator of wonderful sandwiches.

11 thoughts on “Just another Monday

  1. I like the funny shoes part as well. 😉

    And I love that fox!!!! Look how bushy she is. I think that’s how I’ll describe myself from now on. BUSHY. Not fluffy or plumpy. BUshy. 🙂 Like a fox.


  2. Oh I do love your foxy friend! We see them very occasionally around here, the last time being about three years ago! I loved reading about the spiritual meanings of each animal. I wonder if my two ducks who visit me nearly every day are helping me through my emotions? I know that I can feel rather emotional (I miss them!) when they are gone for long periods of time. 🙂


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